Top Scientists Reveal The Arrival of “Wooshies” On Planet Earth

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The Press Release:
Scientists are baffled by the sudden arrival of a new species of creature at a number of landmark locations all around the world! Apparently called the Wooshi (Woooooooo-sheeeeee), scientists theorize that the Wooshi may well have originated in the heretofore only theoretical dimension of Gor. Since their discovery, researchers have determined that while the Wooshi are generally well-intentioned, their enthusiasm, energy, and general ham-handedness can make for chaotic and frenetic outcomes for the people they come into
contact with – BEWARE THE WOOSHI!!!

wooshi world

An unprecedented discovery, the Wooshi are neither animal or mineral (but slightly bigger than a breadbox), and while still undefined zoologically, they can be described to be short in stature (stocky comes to mind), concerningly if not annoyingly intelligent (bordering on cocky), and apparently fluent in English! Having mysteriously popped up at multiple locations globally, scientists are still struggling to confirm the exact number of Wooshi amongst us, but they guesstimate an oddly exact headcount of 11,111 Wooshi currently on Earth – HOW MANY MORE MIGHT COME?!?

“The Wooshi appear to be generally social (and sociable) creatures, each with unique sets of characteristics related to their behavior, survivability, headwear, eyewear and occasionally their musical accessories, and differences in color and texture,” says John Paul Clavicle, Associate Researcher at Perly’s Cartography & Biodiversity Institute. “Although we find them to be mischievous and chaotic, they are strangely hypnotic – we cannot help but be fascinated and attracted to these anarchic interlopers!”

First appearing in a variety of notable locations around the globe, such as the Eiffel Tower in France, the Great Pyramid in Egypt, and the living room of Co-Founder and CEO of Toshiverse L4bs, Cole Gurman, the Wooshi have demonstrated an uncanny ability to adapt to new and disparate environments, including the deep pile of the shag carpeting that dominates the Gurman residence.

“They just barged into my house one day,” says Gurman. “They started to rearrange my furniture, frolic in my socks and underwear, and perform Broadway show tunes using my pots and pans – things like that. I wasn’t a huge fan of their choice of musicals, but beyond that they were decent company – they tend to grow on you… and crawl, and walk, and splay…”

Please stay tuned for exciting updates! Toshiverse L4bs, the team behind the Wooshi World brand are stirring up new ideas for the inhabitants of the island of Gor, including new content, product launches, and more!

About Toshiverse Labs:
Toshiverse Labs, a Montreal-based IP-creation hub, with in-house expertise in world-building, character-creation, web3 and NFT activations, and licensed consumer products. In late 2021 Toshiverse introduced Wooshi World via a unique limited edition offering of 11,111 Wooshi NFT’s, which sold out in their entirety in hours. The team at Toshiverse then created and introduced an immersive gaming experience for the Wooshi – The Island of Gor – which allowed fans of the brand to engage and explore the world of Wooshi in even greater detail. 2023 sees the launch of animated Wooshi World content, additional ranges of promotional merchandise, and engagement with series-focused animation studios and licensed consumer product partners.

About Wooshi and Wooshi World:
Deep in the place between our world and the virtual world, on the island of Gor, live a species of tiny creatures called the Wooshi. Though cute and cuddly on the outside, the Wooshi are formidable and mischievous foes (primarily to one another). While their fangs and bones are fierce-looking at first sight, the Wooshi are generally docile, preferring napping and prank-playing to bone-to-bone combat. The Wooshi are a tribal society, separated into 5 distinct nomadic Orders who roam the many regions of Gor, and occasionally butt heads (and bones) with one another while doing so. It was in fact this nomadic nature that lead 11,111 Wooshi to leap through a portal into our world – the Ethereal Gateway – when it opened for a brief time in 2021. Once here the Wooshi quickly befriended people – us – based upon how well our and their personalities fit together. Once paired with a human companion, the Wooshi are immensely loyal, and occasionally frustratingly, impossible to get rid of!

*** end of transmission ***

Piercing Ken Thoughts: These sound pretty awesome and I am always a fan of anything that is quirky and collectible and while these might be suited for a much younger collector I wouldn’t mind getting my hands on a couple to see what they are all about. I can say that since this is a brand-new line of collectibles that this is your pefect chance to get on board when its the earliest possible time to do so. You collectors can let me know what you think about these new creatures and as more intel arrives about them I will do my best to stay on top of it. Chime in down below in the comments to add any topical views you might have. See you next time, keep safe out there.

Relevent Links:
TikTok: @officialwooshiworld
Twitter: @wooshiworld

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