It’s been a few days already and I am finally coming to terms with the fact that my very long used rotary razor, the Norelco 985RX “shaving system” has died after about seventeen years of use. Simply put I loved this thing because I tend to have a rough beard when it grows a little bit and this device dispatched it with ease and left me smooth and sleek. I actually first got this back when I worked at an advertising firm and they were a client of the company. We were able to order from the company for the same prices that their own people did which was a nice bonus. In 1995 this was a pretty pricy little tool and about $150 bucks if memory serves me correctly.

It’s one of the oldest pieces of technological advancement that I have had and while you might say “so then just repair it”, it was just not really a cost-effective decision at this point. It was repaired once a number of years ago when it fell into the sink that had some water in it, but don’t worry it was not plugged in at the time. It was also the last time that I left water in the sink before shaving LOL. I was fast to act but still not fast enough to prevent damage. The photo I’ve loaded into this summary was taken just before it was sent to tech Valhalla. Yeah I know it looks almost new, but I tried to keep it spiffy.
Goodbye old friend. Thank you for your dedicated service and your assistance in keeping me somewhat presentable. Fortunately I do still have his younger brother and he appears to have a little life in him that should carry me awhile . Part of me actually cannot wait to dig into a brand new device just the same since they seem so much more powerful and functional. Norelco stuff comes out via Phillips nowadays and it does seem that a good model will still run you about $100 bucks.
UPDATE: Ever since writing this posting I was using the as referred to younger brother to this shaver, which was the 965RX but on 7/24/12 that one also died. At this point I am just going to grab myself a new one and smile at the notion on how long each of these devices lasted me.
Official Website:
I had the same razor which died on me. I loved the adjustable blade height which allowed me to go 2 or 3 days before shaving again. No problem getting a clean shave with the longer beard. I replaced it with a Philips Norelco 8240XL and am sorely disappointed in comparison. Like you, I had my 985RX repaired once or twice but can no longer find anyone locally to work on razors. I still have it and will keep looking for a repairman in the area…Bloomington, Indiana
985RX was like a trusty old friend. TSA or baggage handlers or just 20 or so years of daily service got to it. Two of three tabs that hold the head on broke. I can’t find the parts online so I doubt my shaver repair can find them either. I managed to finish my trip holding ithe head on rather awkwardly but I’m not going to use duct tape to hold my old friend together. Maybe I can find one on e-bay for parts but I don’t want to replace the part and have it break a year from now.
This morning I scrape and then off the Costco to find a replacement… RIP.
Needs batteries I bet, just repaired mine today after 15 years of non use.
Mine is still working fine, after replacing the batteries a few years ago. Was my Dad’s and he always took good care of things. Really still like this razor. Found some other parts listed here:
Unfortunately, have not been able to find a manual for it.
I’ve been using mine since the 90s. I think I am on my 3rd set of replacement batteries. My batteries died during a 3 month trip to the middle east so I bit the bullet and bought a new 9000 series while away. It’s good, very good, but the 985RX is FAR better. I sent it off for new batteries and it’s my go to again. Genuimce replacement blades no longer are made however.
I have had mine since 1985. Replaced the batteries several times over the years. I know how to solder which helped. I think it has finally died, suspect the motor is gone. Loved this shaver and one thing for sure is a modern one won’t last this long.