Tag Archives: toshiverse labs

Top Scientists Reveal The Arrival of “Wooshies” On Planet Earth

wooshi world logo, wooshi world, toy logos

The Press Release:
Scientists are baffled by the sudden arrival of a new species of creature at a number of landmark locations all around the world! Apparently called the Wooshi (Woooooooo-sheeeeee), scientists theorize that the Wooshi may well have originated in the heretofore only theoretical dimension of Gor. Since their discovery, researchers have determined that while the Wooshi are generally well-intentioned, their enthusiasm, energy, and general ham-handedness can make for chaotic and frenetic outcomes for the people they come into
contact with – BEWARE THE WOOSHI!!!

wooshi world

An unprecedented discovery, the Wooshi are neither animal or mineral (but slightly bigger than a breadbox), and while still undefined zoologically, they can be described to be short in stature (stocky comes to mind), concerningly if not annoyingly intelligent (bordering on cocky), and apparently fluent in English! Having mysteriously popped up at multiple locations globally, scientists are still struggling to confirm the exact number of Wooshi amongst us, but they guesstimate an oddly exact headcount of 11,111 Wooshi currently on Earth – HOW MANY MORE MIGHT COME?!?
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