For the last couple of years I’ve sat down and cobbled together a complete rundown of the annual marathon of episodes of “The Honeymooners” that is presented to us over on PIX11. In 2020 it was super important to keep people indoors for safety’s sake and now with the terrible surge in cases of this Omicron variant I think that this might be the best course of action for 2021’s New Year’s Eve as well. At the risk of repeating myself I will say that this classic comedy is the perfect way to both close out and open up a hopefully promising New Year of 2022. The continuation of the pandemic has divided a lot of us based on who has received the full vaccine dosage and those who refute its effectiveness and to be honest the fights about this are far too nasty to line out in this humble narrative. The editorial High Command of “The Chronicles of Piercing Ken” have taken all three of the shots and we did Pfizer and are happy to have done so. End of soapboxing. If you have the space on your DVR you should start programming them now so you are able to switch channels to the favored network to watch the ball drop before you return to the fun of “The Honeymooners”. I programmed this last year for myself even though I own the DVD of the classic episodes. As in the past marathons, some of the funniest and best of the episodes will be aired so head over to WPIX 11 and spend some time in Brooklyn with Ralph Kramden, Ed Norton, Alice Kramden and Trixie Norton and just relax. The shows begin at 11PM and run continuously into the next day with a brief pause for other programming at 8AM until it picks up again at 11AM. Let’s take a look.
December 31st:
11:00PM – Better Living Through TV
11:30PM – Pal O’ Mine
Last year, I took the time to line out the complete rundown of the annual marathon of episodes of “The Honeymooners”. After the year that we all have had I can honestly say that this classic comedy is the perfect way to both close and open up a hopefully promising new year. Based on the pandemic, there are even more of us under lockdown as the year closes up and while there are still specials with tons of autotune, my only real interest is the final countdown to the New Year. As in the past marathons, some of the funniest and best of the episodes will be aired so head over to WPIX 11 and spend some time in Brooklyn with Ralph Kramden, Ed Norton, Alice Kramden and Trixie Norton and just relax. The shows begin at 11PM and run continuously into the next day with a brief pause for area news at 4:30AM before picking back up again at 9AM. Let’s take a look.
December 31st:
11:00PM – The Bensonhurst Bomber
11:30PM – Unconventional Behavior
Of the things that we can almost stake money on and win every time is the knowledge that as every year closes up and leads us into the brand new one, that a marathon of the classic sitcom “The Honeymooners” will air some of its most fAMous episodes on Pix 11. Since a lot of us are not planning on elaborate gatherings or heading to Times Square in the madness, I’ve culled together the full list of the episodes that will air beginning tonight at 11PM. They will run continuously into the next day with a brief pause for area news at 4:30AM before picking back up again at 9AM. Let’s take a look.
Tuesday, Dec 31:
11PM – TV or Not TV
11:30PM – Funny Money