It seems as though I haven’t been down in this immediate area for a few months because the latest mural is not only awesome but has been in place since the end of August. It’s called “Story Of My Life” and is the work of Logan Hicks. I loved it and snagged a couple of photos as I headed down to the Berlin NY club for a media event. For me this mural speaks to the vibrancy and essence of the city and according to what my research has found me is based on a photograph that Hicks took of a crowd of people on the corner of Spring and Greene Street.

Here is another visual of this with less “real” people in front of it. I couldn’t do any additional shots as I was running late to my event and I still had several blocks to walk to get there. I also used my mobile for this one exclusively as opposed to pulled the DSLR or point and shoot out of my bag. That was a different process for me since I usually do something with each device.

This sort of thing is another reason that I love NYC. There is something at every corner of your eye to see and talk about and share with friends. Keep that creative process going my friends. Especially if you are visiting the greatest city in the world. We don’t mind at all if you snap photos of the stuff around you. Remember we are all pretty much carrying super resolution devices thanks to the mobile quality and it seems as though everyone is using Instagram or Snapchat nowadays. Work it.
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I saw this painted on a wall that I had passed on West 49th street in NYC and liked it so much I made a post out of it for you all. Sadly I didn’t see much else in terms of an artist or piece name but enjoy just the same. Hey I also did this post completely by Smartphone which was something that had not been tried yet. Ciao for now my friends. Always appreciate the life and pulse of the world around you. It’s good for the soul.
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Street Art, Graffiti, Vandalism….there are many names for some of the artistic visuals that we see in New York City. Personally I like to call it street art when it is something that is done really, really well and not just someone’s “tag” up on a blank wall for the sake of marking territory. The other day I was wandering with the Beehive Blogger for the purpose of photographic findings and liked these few pieces of wall art so much that I am sharing them with my readership. There are so many of you outside of my part of the world that I felt you might enjoy it. There are only a handful of photos, so you can quickly get back to your day. The first one was almost an homage to Jack Nicholson and “The Shining”.

I decided to split up the shot for good measure so you could all enjoy a little more of the detail that it had. Kind of a creepy piece but again, it was focused on “The Shining”.
Continue reading Some Wall Art in Red Hook (7/9/2012) →
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A Lifestyle Blog with a New York Flair