I recently updated my computer and when I was in the middle of the process I felt that it was also time to look through all of the drawers and see what other technological devices I might have lying around unused for whatever reason. The initial reason for the dig was based on my being able to return a number of old tech things to Dell for proper recycling as opposed to garbage. Here was one of the things I found, my almost two decade old Iomega Zip Drive. Though it came out in 1994, I didn’t have access to one of them until around 1996 when one of the firms I worked for used them for training demos. After using it to do some tutorials I knew I had to have one for my home and all the massive amounts of files I could now easily save.
![rt-zipdr_063011_01 iomega zip 100 drive](http://piercingken.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/rt-zipdr_063011_01.jpg)