Today is the 130th Birthday of a very special resident of New York City. Yes my friends, it is the 130th for the amazing Statue Of Liberty who has welcomed millions of visitors to our metropolis and the surrounding regions.
Happy Birthday Miss
The statue was a gift from France way back when and you can learn all of the finer details on the official Wikipedia entry that I have pasted at the close of the birthday wish. The photo that you see above was taken by me with the Samsung point and shoot while attending an event called Blogger Bash. The event came with a short harbor cruise and we passed by the statue so everyone was snapping away. I’ve not been to the actual Liberty Island in many years so thinking that I need to do that sort of excursion once more. Who’s up for some tourism? I love exploring my city and sharing the fun right here on the Chronicles so let’s get some plans in gear. See you next time.
While watching the early evening news tonight I learned that today was the day that the Statue Of Liberty had arrived in NYC back in 1865, 130 Years ago. Can you believe it? The statue would arrive by boat on crates and slowly be assembled on the pedestal where it stands to this very day. The shots below were taken by me when I joined some friends for a quick ride on The Circle Line. The boat ride is a wonderful attraction for all visitors to our Metropolis in my humble opinion and it always passes by this amazing, inspiring statue. Isn’t she beautiful?
Depending on your vintage, you might have heard the old tales about long ago arriving relatives first getting to the States and NYC in particular and their reaction to seeing this grand statue for the very first time. One can only imagine how scary the idea of starting life over again in a new place was for our distant relatives and what hope and welcome they felt once they saw this incredible sight. I’ve lived in this city for almost all of my life and it always gives me pause that is for sure.
Closing up this quick narrative I must strongly stress that if you can find the time you should try to see this statue up close and personal. Its a reasonable direct boat ride or you can do the Circle Line that I mentioned. You can even get a good glimpse from the Staten Island Ferry which is a free ride so a neat suggest for the tourists. I shot those images with the Panasonic Lumix from several hundred feet away and got some solid ones with the phone as well. That’s all I have for now. See you next time.
You’ll have to pardon my being super late about this news but it’s been a super busy concert month so far and we had that little event known as New York Comic Con happening this past weekend. The interested readers can click the highlighted text to see the narratives on – So this just had to be a super duper celebration, as the Flatiron District now has its own LEGO Store and there was a fun filled event held at Madison Square Park over the weekend. Part of the celebration was the construction of a giant LEGO Statue Of Liberty. I didn’t see this until my coming home from a Heavy Metal show at the Gramercy Theatre but snapped a couple of shots for you to see for good measure.
Huzzah, kudos and congratulations to The Statue Of Liberty who today is one-hundred twenty five years of age. Yep, it was that long ago when the massive statue was dedicated to the United States from France and it has been both inspiring and a constant point of interest in the tourists minds. I have to admit that I kind of like to see it up close myself. The photo below is by no means the real deal statue but instead appears to be a giant desk decoration that I happened upon while wandering our fair Metropolis. Since I did not have any recent photos of the statue or scans of older photography, I opted to snap this one quick to be able to properly offer up some well wishes.
I realize that 125 years is a great milestone and that means some special events and speeches will be par for the course for the great statue. It makes me all the more excited for when she hits 150 years. Don’t worry, as before that day comes I will try to get some more recent images for blogging purposes and for your enjoyment. Happy Birthday once again Lady Liberty.
Check out the finer details about the monument via its Wikipedia entry which has been linked below.