Hello there my friends and welcome to yet another hopefully exciting presentation from the Chronicles. You read that title correctly and I am heading down south to see the family once again as its been too long since my last time with them.

Continue reading Headed Down South To Myrtle Beach, SC For My 2015 Visit →
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Hey there readers and welcome back to the program once again. In case you are wondering what I am talking about with this one let me explain. You might remember my mentioning how my family retired a couple of years ago and when they did this they also packed up from their beloved Brooklyn and headed to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

The best option for my trip was going to be using Spirit Airlines for the flight as they go directly to Myrtle Beach and require no side stops to switch planes. With the distance being an under two hour flight it makes the most sense to just go straight there. Spirit Airlines is a low cost economy airline and essentially if you want something it comes with a dollar figure. An extra bag = $, a window seat = $ and a bag of potato chips or soda = $. You get my point.

Oh look, my rides here.
Continue reading The Chronicles Of PiercingKen Are Southbound! →
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