Hey there my friends, and welcome back to another one of these redirecting posts that you will occasionally find on the website. With this one I’m letting you know that a few short days ago I attended the 2015 Edition of Special Edition NYC which was held at Pier 94 in the Big Apple. This convention is smaller in scale than that of the massive NY Comic Con that has been reported on by my PiercingMetal outlet for the past few years but its presented by the same folks so I like to attend if possible to do so. It would be my first time hitting Pier 94 for anything so with proper Press Credentials in hand I attended both days and presented the coverage to our readers over a handful of posts that you can enjoy by clicking the logo graphic below. Take a look at it when you have time and know that I hope you enjoy it.

*** Please note that comments have been disabled on this redirect as its merely here to inform you about another item. I welcome all topical comments on any of the posts that you feel compelled to add to.
Official Website: http://www.specialeditionnyc.com