It’s been a pretty long while since I’ve had the chance to discuss a brand-new Social Network and how I might employ it here with you readers but for the last couple of days I’ve been seeing my friends share the details about their now being on a community called “VERO”. My curiosity made me look into it and I’ve culled its overall premise below the logo for those who are on the same page as I am.

“Smarter social – Vero is a social network for anyone who loves anything enough to share it – and wants control over who they share it with. Just like we do in real life.”

As you can see, I even created a profile and am not sure how I will be using it. My main goal was just to lock out my own ID on the thing and with a few friends doing it like I have already mentioned, I figured why not play along. I think the plan will be to allow followers to see what I feel like sharing and only accepting those in my real life world as connections. For the last few months that has been how my personal profile on Facebook has rolled as if I don’t know you at all I am not adding you into my mix. New readers to The Chronicles might not know about this but way back when, I did a series of posts about this kind of stuff on my PiercingMetal website. I did this since so many of these networks were needed to maintain a brand presence and if you are curious about that little bit of social networking history you can click on THIS LINK.
The creation of my Vero account was free but I’ve read that this is only for the first 1,000,000 accounts. It will then move to a paid model and one has to wonder if anyone will jump on board with the need to pay to use it. I remember using NING when it was free and once it became a pay to use item it was vamoose for a lot of us. I’m not sure what will come of this new social network and if it will be a success at all. So far I’ve found it to be a very slow performing app and I don’t like that I only can use it on the mobile devices. Also, I don’t see any means of moderating my account on the PC via the web which I personally find very annoying since I am constantly on the system doing development. If it fails, they have all of our emails and mobile device numbers which will likely be sold off and that sucks because I already get too much junk and cold calls. At the point of this writing I can say that so many social networks have gone by the wayside. Stuff like MySpace though still online, no one uses anymore and others like Orkut, Friendster (the original) and so many more are just gone. I’ve deleted my accounts on MySpace and some others as they didn’t bring PiercingMetal or The Chronicles any traffic. Going forward the social networking summaries will be here on The Chronicles but I think I’ve mentioned that a couple of times already. In the off chance that something is 100% focused on then I might talk about it over there. Only time will tell. Have you tried this app yet? What do you think? Let me know down in the comments section below.
Update 1/5/2019: Hey my friends, so I am updating this original post with some news because effective immediately I have deleted the Vero app from my mobile devices. At the end of the day it wasn’t sending any additional traffic to the two websites or finding any real engagement with new fans of the work I am putting out there. It also came under some high scrutiny and with that I say “buh bye”. I couldn’t delete my overall account because you need to submit a ticket or something if you don’t have it loaded and they can go eff themselves with that process. One should be able to log in to the web interface and terminate ones account if deemed necessary. Be wary of this one, and please let me know if I am wrong and missing something about it. With Google+ ending in the coming months (discussed HERE); I’m hoping that something else good will raise its head to help raise awareness to my mediums. Trusting Facebook alone for that seems to be a fools errand. That’s all I have, ciao for now.
Official Website:
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