Tag Archives: social networking

PiercingKen Now Has An Official Google+ Page

Last month I mentioned that I had created an Official Facebook Page for PiercingKen.com and now it’s time to let you know that there is a new and hopefully exciting Google+ Page as well for that side of the social networking fence. You already know that we have been using Twitter for the blog since its launch day and if you don’t, well, please allow me to add to the mix that we have a Twitter account connected to this blog’s activity as well. Nowadays it appears that one needs a strong presence on the vital Social Networks to keep the visibility going and since I’ve found some success with them over on the PiercingMetal.com site I figured let me tend to the PiercingKen.com house in similar fashion.

Click This Image for our Google+ Page

Now about our Google+. This is apparently the up and coming hotness but many writers, photographers and fans of the Social Nets are not yet sold on it. I don’t blame them because its moving too slowly in a time when things are getting to be almost instantaneous. I do like having an additional location for the blog sites postings but nothing is automatic for me at the point of this narrative. If I want a post to be on our Google+ Page I need to paste it in there for you. There are worse things that can happen.
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PiercingKen Now Has An Official Facebook Fan Page

social media logos, facebook, facebook logo

It’s with great modesty and flair that I inform the readers of the PiercingKen Blog that we are now rocking one of those sweet Official Facebook Fan Pages. I think you already know that we have been using Twitter for the blog since its launch day and if you don’t, well, please allow me to add to the mix that we have a Twitter account connected to this blog’s activity as well. Nowadays it appears that one needs a strong presence on the vital Social Networks to keep the visibility going and since I’ve found some success with them over on the PiercingMetal.com site I figured let me tend to the PiercingKen.com house in a similar fashion.

The Facebook page for the website gets the most attention right now because its been used a little longer. I was not originally going to create one but figured why not with so many other websites tossing their hats into the fire. We surely don’t want to be bypassed by stuff that doesn’t work as hard for your viewing time either and even the newest websites on the Interwebs have their own pages. WordPress posts here are shared on my personal profile once they have been showcased on the Facebook Page for a couple of days. I of course welcome you to do the same on articles that you like (or even all of them – I surely don’t mind the views being proliferated).

I do ask that comments on the blog postings be focused on the actual posting and not on the Facebook Page because that does not let your voice work within the greater context of the piece. Just my own thoughts on that and believe me we approve every topical comment that speaks to the readers interests about the subject matter. I tried to make the Facebook Page easier to “Like” as well by adding a “Like Box” to the main page of the actual site. I saw this as a plug in and love how it works.

Now back to the sorting of images and ideas. My hope is to keep delivering some really cool stuff in 2012 and even getting some older things that just merited sharing with you in this little space. Thanks for listening.

Piercing Ken on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/piercingken

PiercingKen & Skeleton Pete Go To Blogworld & New Media Expo 2011

Readers already know that we have hit a few conventions for the sake of blogging and featured them here if the adventure was deemed suitable for this medium as opposed to my main website PiercingMetal.com;  Sometimes the wanderings and viewpoints cross-pollinate across both blogs and such is the case with the Blogworld and New Media Expo that was recently held at NYC’s Javits Center.  My colleague Skeleton Pete and I decided to go to this event and wander the exhibition hall to see what it offered up.  Since we are both bloggers and photographers, the thought was that we might be able to take some solid information back to our respective readerships while at the same time learning some tricks of this wild west of a trade.  As PiercingMetal’s official blog is my true “main blog”, I felt that the ideas formulated were best served up in that space, but I decided to use the PiercingKen blog as a bit of a traffic sign.  Please click the logo below to be taken to that story and the images that were captured.

Please note that comments are disabled under this posting but readers with topical views can easily leave them under the main post that this page leads to. Thanks.

PiercingKen Is Now On Twitter: Live, Love, Follow…..

twitter logo, social media logos

Even though you might be a leader in this world it’s thanks to the likes of Twitter that you can all also be Followers as well. That being said, I decided to mirror some of my practices done for PiercingMetal with the PiercingKen blog and create a Twitter account for it. I hope you will click the image below and become one of my ardent Followers because I would love to have you along for this part of the ride. So far I have connected a couple of things to it so you should see the blog postings a little faster than having to remember to come all the way over here 🙂 I’ve been using Foursquare for awhile and if you enjoy what that site services then you can see what we do over there as well.

As you might have realized based on the date stamp of the above “First Tweet”, I’ve been using the network for about a year now. The “PiercingKen” branding actually predates the launch of this here blog. It’s funny to be doing this because I will be the first to admit that I didn’t even like Twitter in the beginning. Now I am seeing how to use it a lot more and a lot better so why not use it for this particular blog as well. It can’t hurt at the end of the day. Alright my friends that is all I have for you in this post. Please get back to your tasks and we shall see you soon for sure. We do hope that you will “Follow” us and even “Retweet” the items that interest you most and help us grow.

Official: http://www.twitter.com/piercingken