Tag Archives: social networking

Hitting “2000 Posts” With Tumblr; A Personal Record :)

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Hey there readers, this is just a little sharing of some fun news that I received about one of the Social Networks that I use to better broadcast all this entertainment media stuff to you with. Apparently I’ve reached “2000” posts in the Tumblr account for PiercingMetal.com and if you are wondering why I am saying this here on PiercingKen as opposed to the other website, well there is a method to my madness 🙂

Click Image For Our “Tumblr” 🙂

For the longest time I was using the PiercingMetal Tumblr account as a feeder of that websites posts and its Twitter account but over the last year I have integrated this lifestyle blog into it as well to allow me to showcase our adventures in the real world that get documented here. Also, since I am loving the Instagram medium for both sites, there are times when images will get broadcast on the Tumblr account as well. Those accounts are really two sides of the same creative coin so I hope you are checking them out once in awhile. It’s all 100% original stuff and not other peoples images or photos like some other websites like to do. Sadly I have to close this post up as there is a mountain of things to do on both of the mediums along with the mandatory social networking so let me say “thanks” if you are one of the folks that follows the account or at least reads it from time to time. With all the myriad of outlets currently online I’m very appreciative of every single click. See you soon. KP

Update 10/1/2020: Since the time of this announcement, the PiercingMetal Tumblr has been rebranded as the Ken Pierce Media Tumblr and all links now reflect this change. This rebranding makes it all the more comprehensive and entertaining going forward.

Official Link: http://www.tumblr.com
Official KPM Tumblr: https://kenpiercemedia.tumblr.com

Happy 10th Anniversary To Twitter

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I’m not one to generally celebrate the 10th Anniversary of a Social Network but I have been enjoying the use of Twitter on both of my websites for some time now and with today being their special milestone I said why the heck not. I decided to make my toast a bit more connected to my mediums as I was able to find out exactly what my first tweet was for each of my website accounts. I’ve shared them with you along with some thoughts about each of below so check it all out after the tweet.

Before I begin I should state that I was not the earliest adopter to Twitter and didn’t have accounts until 2009. This account was created second and began being used in June and I’ll start off with the PiercingKen account since we are raising the glass on that website. What amuses me about its first tweet is the fact that it relates more to the PiercingMetal outlet than this one. I was a frequent user of the Foursquare app on my mobile device and would periodically “Check In” to places on that service. For some reason I connected the PiercingKen Twitter to the service because it was always dealing with food and drink stuff more so than “Being Metal” and when I was hitting a concert venue I would do the same sort of checking in. It made no sense to have a different ID in Foursquare (which is now called Swarm) so I left it alone. The PiercingKen Swarm, Twitter and Facebook page are more aimed at Lifestyle and some of that includes my music themed website. As you read this there are about 2,884 tweets but only a couple of hundred followers. Most of my tweets are sent there via other mediums like Instagram, Foodspotting and Yelp. I could be better at it but there is only so much time in the day.
Continue reading Happy 10th Anniversary To Twitter

Presenting PiercingKen’s “Best 9” Instagrams For 2015

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I’d been using Instagram as a personal account for my PiercingKen.com site for a few months before I decided to have one for the Metal website and it’s really a lot of fun for me since its an immediate glimpse into what I am seeing at the very second for the most part. Now while there are less than the PM.com one, the full tally is about 761 photos. Thanks to the fun website link which you will find at the end of this narrative, I was able to learn what my “9” most popular posted images were in 2015 and I wanted to share that with you below. Here is the graphic of those nine images.

instagram, piercingken on instagram,

The selections made me smile as it featured my beloved felines along with my home stomping grounds of Brooklyn and a few food related things. All of them a part of my personal world much like this blog itself. As with my PiercingMetal Instagram account, all of the items you see here are 100% original content and I’d have it no other way. If you click this image above you will be brought to our official account and I hope you choose to give it a follow and start perusing the images that have come before. Your click will help decide the ones that win this sort of thing when we get to the end of this year in another 362 days. I hope you enjoy it and know that I always appreciate the support. I’m looking to making this a productive year on PiercingKen and all its socials. Let’s do this together.

Get Your Best Nine HERE.

PS: See PiercingMetal’s “Best 9” Instagrams via THIS LINK.

Social Network Stuff: Foursquare and Swarm

So how many of you kind readers are using Foursquare on your Smart Phone? I’ve been a fan of this little application for a few years now and for those new to the idea, it very simply lets you “check in” to the spot you are at and potentially connect with friends who are doing the same thing at said spot or nearby.

Logo - Foursquare Swarm

For me this has been fun at the shows especially and what I liked about it was the ability to let it go to Facebook or Twitter at my own choice as opposed to checking in on Facebook and having the whole world of my “Friends” see my activity when I might not really want that to be the case. I’ve chosen to not really govern my time by Facebook’s rules so I enjoy the side things that let me skate the periphery of using it whenever possible. Anyway, so not long ago when I launched Foursquare to check in at Duke’s (a place I go to quite a bit depending on the shows), I was instructed to download something called “Swarm” which was going to be how we checked in from now on. I did it.

Once logged into Foursquare and aiming to check in it would launch Swarm and bring up the screen to let people know where you are and what you were up to. The screen looked alright to me as it had the means to snap a photograph and then share it over to Facebook or Twitter but the downside was it continually crashes on me. Let’s add to the fact that now you need two applications on your device to do part of one thing and part of the other thing and that makes no sense. These days, application space is more demanding and if I don’t need it on my devices then I don’t want it. I surely don’t want something as slow and unpredictable as this Swarm has been.

What do you readers think? Have you been using it at all? I am hating it.

PiercingKen & Social Networking: Instagram

If you have been paying attention to my PiercingMetal Musings Blog and its continuing run of narratives on the various Social Networking mediums, you probably thought that you clicked into one of them by mistake since I copied the title premise for use over here on the PiercingKen Blog. You’ll have to forgive me this little bit of Internet sleight of hand and know that I only did this to let you readers know that I am using the Photo Networking application called “Instagram”.

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I’m kind of excited because this application while used by so many iPhone users around me, has only been available to the Droid smartphone users for about two weeks. I installed it on my Droid “Incredible” but really need to get used to it before my upgrade time comes. I will be getting a new phone in a little over a month since my plan allows me to do that every two years. I’m leaning on the Droid RAZR Maxx and am NOT switching to an iPhone like many suggest that I do. Sorry. With that being the case, my Instagram account is “PiercingKen” just like this here blog but I don’t yet see a way to paste a direct URL link to my account so that interested parties may come and follow me. Hopefully the name will suffice and those who wish to keep up in that realm will have a little initiative and search me. My plan is to use this to showcase an image or two that will eventually be used in blogs and that lets those readers see them first. How exciting is that? I know right, it’s really super exciting. Well. At least to me so I do hope you will come along especially if you like what we are doing here on the side blog. It’s goal is always to entertain.

instagram, piercingken instagram

If you should want to enjoy the whole gamut of those Social Networking overviews and how I apply their use as a music journalist in today’s ever changing realm, just click HERE to bring up the list over on the PiercingMetal Musings Blog. Topical comments are always welcome on stuff like that especially if you are doing some similar adventuring.

UPDATE 8/13/2012: I discovered a way to find my Instagram and if you have any interest in what I am doing with that little side of the Internet you can easily click Follow from there. It seemed to work for me when I selected my friends account so have at it. I will try to keep you entertained and visually interested.

PiercingKen on Instagram = HERE