Tag Archives: social media announcements

Happy 10th Anniversary To Twitter

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I’m not one to generally celebrate the 10th Anniversary of a Social Network but I have been enjoying the use of Twitter on both of my websites for some time now and with today being their special milestone I said why the heck not. I decided to make my toast a bit more connected to my mediums as I was able to find out exactly what my first tweet was for each of my website accounts. I’ve shared them with you along with some thoughts about each of below so check it all out after the tweet.

Before I begin I should state that I was not the earliest adopter to Twitter and didn’t have accounts until 2009. This account was created second and began being used in June and I’ll start off with the PiercingKen account since we are raising the glass on that website. What amuses me about its first tweet is the fact that it relates more to the PiercingMetal outlet than this one. I was a frequent user of the Foursquare app on my mobile device and would periodically “Check In” to places on that service. For some reason I connected the PiercingKen Twitter to the service because it was always dealing with food and drink stuff more so than “Being Metal” and when I was hitting a concert venue I would do the same sort of checking in. It made no sense to have a different ID in Foursquare (which is now called Swarm) so I left it alone. The PiercingKen Swarm, Twitter and Facebook page are more aimed at Lifestyle and some of that includes my music themed website. As you read this there are about 2,884 tweets but only a couple of hundred followers. Most of my tweets are sent there via other mediums like Instagram, Foodspotting and Yelp. I could be better at it but there is only so much time in the day.
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PiercingKen & Social Networking: Foodspotting

I’m taking a page out of my PiercingMetal Musings Blog once again to share with my readers the news about my noodling around on a particular social network. I did this with Instagram a couple of months ago because not only was the ID the same as this here website, but the overall use of something like Instagram would be more for the kinds of things that you read about here on PiercingKen.com anyway. The same applies to this one which is the dining-centric network known as “Foodspotting”. You might be thinking that it relates to food and you would be correct in that assumption. Foodspotting is cited as being a “visual food guide” and as I had mentioned in my Musings site posting about this, seems to be something that works well with those folks who are using Foursquare and Yelp! a lot in their adventuring.

I met some of the people involved in this service when I was at the Comic Con back in 2011 and it sounded kind of cool and was surely a little more interesting than some of the stuff that we find ourselves telling friends on Facebook and Twitter at every given second. With Foodspotting you can not only recommend places to eat to your friends and the network at large, but you can also take a photograph of your order and post it while at the same time offering up some information about it. For instance, I recently visited a bar/restaurant called Interstate Food & Liquor and I LOVED it. I was there with Skeleton Pete on the night we were hitting the Lez Zeppelin show and their menu was outstanding. With that being the case, I took a snap of my burger and our appetizer and loaded it up onto the Foodspotting site with a couple of words about it. My hope was to spin up extra interest in the offerings because it was so damned good. I plan to be doing this a lot more often as I find an interesting place worth speaking about. I can be found on the site via my real name of Ken Pierce or via the PiercingKen Twitter as I didn’t use the pen name of PiercingKen for this one as my actual ID. Closer friends can just add me via my Facebook Page which the service lets you check to see who you might know.

After losing two places that I really liked to stop into for a bite to eat, I hope that my using this kind of social network will help keep business coming in to the new haunts that I find and like. I am getting really tired of losing places like Acme Restaurant and Nice Guy Eddies that is for sure.

Should you wish to delve into the whole gamut of the Social Networking overviews and how I apply their use as a music journalist in today’s ever changing realm, just click HERE to bring up the list over on the PiercingMetal Musings Blog. Topical comments are always welcome from people who have some awesome thoughts to bring to the table, especially if they are doing similar adventures and can compare notes.

UPDATE: May 2, 2018 – I’m updating this post to share the news about the ending of Foodspotting. Back in 2013, the company was acquired in full by OpenTable and at the time of this sale, company founder Alexa Andrzejewski maintained that the purchase would not find the resource going away but here we are some years later and that has indeed happened. My post about Foodspottings end can be reader HERE if you’d like to check it out. I am going to miss this one because it was fun to load up the images into and it drove my non-Foodie friends bonkers.

Official Website: http://www.foodspotting.com/

“The Chronicles Of Piercing Ken” Announces Official Instagram Profile

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I’m sure that you’ve all heard about this network by now and if you were following my Social Media posts over on PiercingMetal you might recall that I discussed Instagram even before having an account of my own. That was posted about HERE if you didn’t see it. The app was ONLY available to the iPhone users and as a longtime Android mobile user, I thought that sucked since there was a whole missing out vibe going on. With that being said I am here to not only tell you that our time has come but that I have also created our Official Profile on the Instagram social media network. My first post to this photo-sharing applications world is embedded below. It’s a couple of vintage Batman toys.

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PiercingKen Now Has An Official Facebook Fan Page

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It’s with great modesty and flair that I inform the readers of the PiercingKen Blog that we are now rocking one of those sweet Official Facebook Fan Pages. I think you already know that we have been using Twitter for the blog since its launch day and if you don’t, well, please allow me to add to the mix that we have a Twitter account connected to this blog’s activity as well. Nowadays it appears that one needs a strong presence on the vital Social Networks to keep the visibility going and since I’ve found some success with them over on the PiercingMetal.com site I figured let me tend to the PiercingKen.com house in a similar fashion.

The Facebook page for the website gets the most attention right now because its been used a little longer. I was not originally going to create one but figured why not with so many other websites tossing their hats into the fire. We surely don’t want to be bypassed by stuff that doesn’t work as hard for your viewing time either and even the newest websites on the Interwebs have their own pages. WordPress posts here are shared on my personal profile once they have been showcased on the Facebook Page for a couple of days. I of course welcome you to do the same on articles that you like (or even all of them – I surely don’t mind the views being proliferated).

I do ask that comments on the blog postings be focused on the actual posting and not on the Facebook Page because that does not let your voice work within the greater context of the piece. Just my own thoughts on that and believe me we approve every topical comment that speaks to the readers interests about the subject matter. I tried to make the Facebook Page easier to “Like” as well by adding a “Like Box” to the main page of the actual site. I saw this as a plug in and love how it works.

Now back to the sorting of images and ideas. My hope is to keep delivering some really cool stuff in 2012 and even getting some older things that just merited sharing with you in this little space. Thanks for listening.

Piercing Ken on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/piercingken