Tag Archives: smiling

Don’t Worry Be Happy :)

I’ve been wanting to use this photo for awhile now, and I figured now was as good a time as any. I actually captured this image while wandering the city to one of my adventures earlier in the year and not really having the best of days. When I glanced down and saw this slightly blemished and worn smiley on a string, I had to admit that it made me smile and helped clear the head. You see, this little yellow face was just lying there and had been stepped on, blown about by the elements and was showing signs of wear but the smile was still big and visible. I took that as a kind of a sign.

So what was troubling me you might ask? Eh, it was nothing all that worth mentioning. I was just having a slightly frustrating day and I guess it was all taking its toll. This little image reinforced my resolve and I hope that whenever some minor stuff is plaguing you that you can find some inner strength to just smile through it. I think it helps a bit.