Tag Archives: resorts world casino

PiercingMetal Went To Wintercon 2018 @ Resorts World Casino

Hey my friends, while the holidays quickly head in our general direction I wanted to take a moment and share one of the fun posts that we did over on PiercingMetal.com – As you know, I’ve got a lot of love for the convention circuit and while I’ve already shared that we attended the 2018 New York Comic Con, its time to send you over to examine our final convention of the year. I’m talking about none other than the WinterCon which takes place in the Resorts World Casino out in Jamaica Queens. You can examine that coverage by clicking HERE. Doing so will launch a brand new tab in your browser.

wintercon logo

I had a fun time seeing some old friends at this convention and making a few new ones as well but when it all was said and done I was not really feeling well and that prevented a return. I would end up getting my behind kicked by some kind of quick flu which amazed me since I always get the flu shot. I know, I know, its never 100% effective but that is that. I am better now so don’t worry too much. Generally I prevent the means to comment here about the convention since its a redirect to the PiercingMetal website but since the audience for “The Chronicles” has grown by leaps and bounds I am leaving it open. I figured some of you might have questions about the convention that I can answer here easily. I will ask that if you did attend and feel like commenting that you save that for the actual article on my other website. See you readers again soon.

Official Website: http://www.nywintercon.com

Wintercon @ Resorts World Casino

If you haven’t gotten your geek quota’s recommended diet of the stuff, then Wintercon is the place to be for this weekend. This awesome convention offers vendors, cosplay and collectibles and awesome guests. Don’t miss it if you know what’s good for you.

wintercon 2018