Tag Archives: reedpop

PiercingMetal Goes To NY Comic Con 2016

Hey there readers of the Chronicles Of PiercingKen, I’m here today to tell you that I am once again exploring the massive event known as NY Comic Con as a member of the Press. The convention actually started yesterday but my first post went up on the PiercingMetal.com site a few short hours ago. I’ll be stockpiling my visual finds on that website until I run out of things to post. To see all of the adventurous fun all you need do is click the logo below as that will transport you over to the music and pop culture site. The tag will present all of the posted narratives from the convention and since this runs for a few days and we have numerous posts to share, you might want to check now and then return in a couple of days to see more until I am finished. Based on the photos that I took during the first day, I anticipate no less than “10” narratives on PiercingMetal. I’ll be back with more conventional PiercingKen.com stuff as soon as possible.

Please Note: Since this is a signpost to another resource, the means to comment here have been disabled. You can leave topical thoughts on any of the posts that suit your fancy on the PiercingMetal.com website. Also, if you are a fan of Instagram, you can check out the Official account by clicking HERE. A ton of additional images from the convention have been uploaded there for your enjoyment.

Official Website: http://www.nycomiccon.com

PiercingMetal Goes To “Star Trek: Mission New York” 2016 @ Javits Center

The folks at ReedPOP have launched a brand-new Science Fiction convention called “Star Trek: Mission New York” and I attended this for the PiercingMetal website. Readers of “The Chronicles” who find this stuff interesting can check that out by clicking HERE.

star trek: mission new york logo

Please Note: As the narratives reside on the PiercingMetal website, we have disabled the means to comment on this post since its mainly a traffic sign. That said we do encourage your topical input on any of the chapters that you will be led to after clicking that link above. Enjoy.

Official Website: http://www.reedpop.com

This Just In: ReedPOP To Debut BookCon at NY Comic Con 2016

It’s very rare for me to repeat myself (well, in blog posts as opposed to casual conversation) but in this case it was very necessary since the news related to both the NY Comic Con and the Book Con events. It seems as though this year, the massive event will also have a space where Book Con will be held and you can read the whole shebang right below.

Logo - Book Con

The Press Release:
BookCon @ NYCC to Host R.L. Stine, Danielle Paige, Ann. M. Martin and Others
October 6-9 as New York Comic Con Expands Programming
Options and Footprint in New York City

NORWALK, CT – June 8, 2016 – ReedPOP, the world’s leading producer of pop culture events, is writing a new chapter for BookCon – the one-of-a-kind consumer book event where storytelling and pop culture collide – by debuting BookCon @ NYCC as part of New York Comic Con 2016. BookCon @ NYCC marks the first expansion of the BookCon brand reaching a whole new audience of book lovers. Access to BookCon @ NYCC is included with a valid NYCC Badge for that day and will bring books to life through a series of Panels, Autographing Sessions, Meet and Greets and more for four full days of content. BookCon @ NYCC will be hosted a short walk from the Javits Center at Hudson Mercantile (500 West 36th Street) during NYCC – October 6-9, 2016.

The initial guest list for BookCon @ NYCC brings together bestselling Authors with the hottest new talent in publishing, including beloved children’s author Ann M. Martin (The Baby-Sitter’s Club series, Missy Piggle-Wiggle and the Whatever Cure), YA sensation Danielle Paige (Dorothy Must Die, Stealing Snow), Chuck Wendig (Star Wars: Aftermath, Star Wars: Aftermath: Life Debt) and Naomi Novik (Temeraire series, League of Dragons). R. L. Stine (Goosebumps) will also be at BookCon @ NYCC to discuss his new middle-grade novel Young Scrooge: A Very Scary Christmas Story. This is only the start of a power-packed lineup that will continue to be unveiled leading up to the event in October.

The world’s most influential publishers will have their authors present including Gallery, Macmillan Children’s Publishing Group, Bloomsbury, Del Rey and others. Gallery will also showcase the new Millennials of New York book by Connor Toole and Alec Macdonald. Created by the top editors at Elite Daily, Millennials of New York is a satirical social media phenomenon done in the photo essay style of Humans of New York that parodies the plights of millennials today such as waiting for a brunch table or taking the perfect selfie.
Continue reading This Just In: ReedPOP To Debut BookCon at NY Comic Con 2016

Hangry & Angry Fashion Show @ New York Comic Con/Anime Fest 2010

convention logos, new york comic con, new york comic con on black

This past weekend was the New York Comic Con & Anime Festival that was being held at the Javits Center in NYC.  It ran from Friday until Sunday and in my guise as Master and Commander of PiercingMetal.com, I attended all three days of this incredible convention event.  The official site blog will feature a number of narratives that relate to the goings on at the convention since some of my wanderings found me discovering some cool music stuff and the personality responsible for them as well.

The convention is also one that offers a wide variety of companies the chance to come in and present their wares for the general public and one such booth that I found was the one for designer h.Naoto and also Gashicon.  Gashicon is a Japanese illustrator and the creator of the Guro-kawa (or grotesque and cute) character mascots of Hangry & Angry.  If you are a fan of the J-Rock style of music you know who I am talking about but if you are still in the dark please know that this is a group founded in 2008 by Hitomi Yoshizawa and Rika Ishikawa.  Here’s a photo of the girls that I found online.  I admit that I myself do not have much of an idea about them…..yet.  There is always time.

hangry and angry
J-Rock’s own Hangry & Angry

When I stopped by the booth I was told that a fashion design show would be held downstairs from the main exhibition hall and this would be featuring many of the Japanese Gothic Lolita fashion designs that I saw in front of me at the booth.  Designer Gashicon was there as well and she showed me all of the characters that she had designed for the group.  There were many of these plush characters available for sale and they were selling like hotcakes.  Those images will be in the Comic Con blogs so watch for them.  Since the fashion show was early enough on the Saturday of the Con, I got into place and aimed the camera at everyone as they strutted their stuff and showed off these designs.

hangry and angry, hangry and angry fashion show, gashicon, ny comic con 2010, fashion shows

hangry and angry, hangry and angry fashion show, gashicon, ny comic con 2010, fashion shows

Continue reading Hangry & Angry Fashion Show @ New York Comic Con/Anime Fest 2010