Tag Archives: ragamuffin parade

Ragamuffin Parade Committee Cancels 2021 Bay Ridge Ragamuffin Parade

bay ridge ragamuffin parade banner

Adding some recent news from our immediate territory where we’ve just learned that the long-standing Bay Ridge event “The Ragamuffin Parade” has been cancelled for this year. I’ve embedded the Facebook post that was made by a regional Councilman Justin Brannan. Take a look.

Piercing Ken Thoughts: So before you lay the blame on the city or state, be reminded that this was 100% based on the organizers of said parade. We found the same thing coming to pass with The Mermaid Parade in Coney Island (discussed HERE) and if you’re late to the table on the news our New York City had been dealing with a rising wave of cancellations already as the NY Luxury Design Fair, The New York International Auto Show, The IMS Outdoors and The Summer Fancy Food Show have all postponed this years originally scheduled events. Just click the highlighted text for those stories if you’d care to peruse. Now I will admit that I find it strange that the larger event of the Third Avenue Festival isn’t being cancelled since 50x the attendance of the Ragamuffin Parade happens at that but in truth its still early and we have plenty of time to find that being postponed for a second year. Though I am vaccinated I am not likely going to wander an event where people are back to back and shoulder to shoulder but that’s just me. I don’t have much more to add on this but I do think this parade is a charming one when it happens. It’s nice to see all the incredible costumes and designs they come up with. Chime in down below with your thoughts if you got ’em and Iwill see you again soon. Stay safe,stay distanced and stay masked where advised to do so. Oh yeah and get vaccinated because I’d like to go to things a little more regularly again.

Official: https://ragamuffinparadebayridge.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RagamuffinParade