Tag Archives: piercingmetal

PiercingMetal Hits It’s 14th Anniversary (2005-2019)

piercingmetal logo

Please allow me to take a sidebar to the regular programming but I wanted to let you know that today is the day that my PiercingMetal.com website was officially launched some fourteen years ago. Now I’ve been at this sort of creative enterprise for just over sixteen years in full, but the PiercingMetal outlets birthday is today when we went public with its existence. If you click the photo below you’ll be taken to some thoughts about the process and the anniversary along with some statistical ramblings. 2019 finds “The Chronicles” making some serious strides as well, and if I didn’t start PiercingMetal.com I would have never been compelled to start this one up. If you have enjoyed that site as well, please click through and of course “Thank You So Much”.

As usual with this sort of traffic redirection; the means to add a comment has been disabled on this post and instead I encourage that comments be left on the post on the other site if you are compelled to do so. I’ve also listed all of the PiercingMetal Social Networks for you to peruse if you’d like to see what we are doing with them. This past year we dumped the unused MySpace and the pretty barren Vero True Social and began using both Tumblr and LinkedIn more for content feeds. Google+ ended a few days ago so thank you for your service G+.

Official Facebook
Official Instagram
Official Twitter
Official YouTube Channel
Official Tumblr
Official LinkedIn Company Page

PiercingMetal Hits It’s “Lucky” 13th Anniversary (2005-2018)

Today is the day that my PiercingMetal.com website was official launched. I’ve been at this for a little over fifteen years in full, but the PiercingMetal outlets birthday is today when we went public with its existence. Click the photo below for some musings on the process and the changes from over the years. The image will bring you to that post for you to peruse. If you are a Chronicles Of Piercing Ken reader who is also enjoying the site that started it all for me, I say “Thank You So Much”. Click on…..

As usual with this sort of traffic redirection; the means to add a comment has been disabled on this post and instead I encourage that comments be left on the post on the other site if you are compelled to do so. I’ve also listed all of the PiercingMetal Social Networks for you to peruse if you’d like to see what we are doing with them.

Official Facebook
Official Instagram
Official Twitter
Official YouTube Channel
Official Google+

Announcing PiercingMetal’s Twelfth Anniversary (2005-2017)

Hello there my dear readers of “The Chronicles”. I’m here today to take a moment of your time and share the news that my Heavy Metal Reviews and Pop Culture website PIERCINGMETAL has achieved its twelfth year of online existence. I know, time flies and I can hardly believe it myself. Longer tenured readers know that we occasionally use this page to redirect you to the other website and since I’ve shared my thoughts on this latest birthday, I will be doing so once more. Just click on the photo to be brought to PiercingMetal for our yearly summary.

As expected, the means to comment on this post have been disabled because its only a signpost. Once you get over to the yearly summary on PiercingMetal.com you can leave your thoughts about what’s come before if you are compelled to do so. I always love seeing what the readers have to say. Also, please give a once over to the Social Networking links down below since they will keep you up to speed on all of that websites activity if you are interested in monitoring what’s coming next. Thanks for the support for these Chronicles and the PiercingMetal website.

Official Facebook
Official Instagram
Official Twitter
Official YouTube Channel
Official Google+

Big Changes Are Happening Over On PiercingMetal.com

piercingmetal logo, website logos, piercingmetal

As you know, this little space on the Internet was created to be the home for all of the other adventures that I undertook outside of my main PiercingMetal.com website. For four years I have been loading in a wide variety of what I felt you would find interesting and depending on what the adventure was, there were those times where I would send the readers here from the PiercingMetal.com site. Well, today I am using PiercingKen.com to send you all over to the brand new framework and something that I am very excited to have in place “The All-New PIERCINGMETAL.com” (queue dramatic music please).

Much like the site that you currently enjoy right here, I have installed WordPress in the PiercingMetal.com domain root and blew away the fashion in which you used to surf all of its content. I’m not going to go too much into it here because I explain more in the link that clicking the above hyperlinked text will bring you to but I do hope that you like it. I will say that it’s a beginning of a likely ever-changing process on the site. PiercingMetal is the bigger of the two websites and there is so much more to be presented over there but don’t you worry; I also love putting up different stuff about our city and the sights that I see around me over here and that will continue to be done as well. Thanks for the interest in both of these entertainment mediums. As their founding creative voice, I greatly appreciate the time. In closing please be sure to like or follow the brands on Facebook and Twitter as each of these social media platforms are used on a regular basis to keep you in the know about website doings.

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/piercingken
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/piercingken
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/piercingmetal
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/piercingken

Celebrating 9 Years Of PiercingMetal.com :)


Hey there my readers and those who just are chancing by and enjoying the offerings of this little website of mine. As you’ve seen me do in the past, every now and again I like to share what I am doing on the PiercingMetal website. Well it’s time for me to once again take a moment of your time to let you know that my music and photography site, PiercingMetal.com, has reached another birthday. Today is the ninth anniversary of that website and I am pretty amazed at how much its grown since I decided to launch it. For the newbie’s who don’t know much about it, I do reviews over there of Heavy Metal music, videos, concerts and books. There’s an occasional interview but not too many these days and I even have a side blog to it that I call “PiercingMetal Musings”. The blog is done in WordPress like “The Chronicles” but the main website is still being done in traditional HTML.


When this time of year rolls around, I like to toss some thoughts together about it all and the process involved. If any milestones were achieved across the year I like to talk about that as well. The interested reader can click HERE for that summary over on the PiercingMetal website. Also, I think this might be a good time to tell you that I have been testing a WordPress installation in a secure folder for the content of the main site. While I might be using that software for this site and the side blog for PM, the overall layout will need to be a little more focused and professional. So far so good but I am not yet ready to make that switch. I hope you come over to that website and click around for awhile because between the proper site and the side blog there is a little bit of everything for you to enjoy. Also, PiercingMetal utilizes all of the main Social Networks of the day so please give a “like” or “follow” to the official accounts that are linked below. If the adventures over there are of interest to you I’d sure love to have you engaging with me as I undertake more and more. I’ll see you soon back on this site with my next interesting adventure around the metropolis.

Links You’ll Need: