Tag Archives: penn plaza pavilion

PiercingKen Attended The Big Apple Comic Con 2011

You might recall my mentioning about how I had attended the NY Comic Con back in October on behalf of my Metal & Hard Rock entertainment site PiercingMetal.com.  If you don’t – well now you know.  I did this because the music medium and the comic book one are two things that work together as well as peanuts in M&M’s and like that other adventure, this particular one is being served up on my Official Blog for PiercingMetal.com which we affectionately call “PiercingMetal Musings”.  With the last convention I decided to let this side blog offer you a chance to see it by clicking the logo and since that worked out rather well I am doing so again.  The logo below shall take you to the main page of the article and it shall show you the chapters.  It was a fun time but vastly different from that of the gigantic NY Comic Con.

Please note that comments are disabled under this posting as its more of a traffic sign than an actual posting.  Feel free to leave any thoughts or impressions on the individual chapters as you see fit.  We always love to hear them.