It’s Independence Day 2015 my friends and as per usual I am here once again with a few images that reflect a sense of pride in these United States and in the support of the red, white and blue American Flag. Let’s get right down to it. First up is a great and massive flag that waves over the streets of Newburgh, NY where I just visited some friends.

I have to apologize to my buddy who always has to deal with my sudden bursts of photographic mania when we are driving around in his region. I can only imagine how that can be. Sorry dude but its for good use as you see here 🙂
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Today is Flag Day here in the good ole United States of America and one of the things that we find most proud residents of the country doing is showcasing an American Flag somewhere. It might be hanging proudly in your front yard or from a window in your apartment. Perhaps its even a simple lapel pin, but on this day the red, white and blue should always ring true somewhere.

Over the past few years of this blogs existence I’ve penned narratives about numerous holidays or special occasion days but this one is the very first for Flag Day and with that in mind I needed a special photograph. The image below features a very keen flag patch that was made by my late Grandmother back when she was heavily into her arts and crafts. She really made a lot of cool things to be quite honest, and when I saw this in a box of special keepsakes that I had I knew it should be my image for Flag Day. I was glad that I re-discovered this and that I still had it because it brought back special memories. Okay readers that is it for now, stay awesome and I will see you with the next whatever it is soon for sure.
Learn more about Flag Day via
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I just wanted to wish everyone an amazing Fourth Of July today. Let’s never forget the Founding Fathers of our Great Nation and the steps that they took to make this one of the most amazing countries in the world on this Independence Day. Happy 236th Birthday USA!!!!

Continue reading Happy Fourth Of July 2012 →
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A Lifestyle Blog with a New York Flair