Tag Archives: orange county veterans memorial

Celebrate The Veteran’s Today (11/11/2011)

As a proud American citizen I fully realize that the freedoms I enjoy every single day did not come easily, but instead came upon the bloody battlefields of numerous wars held around the world and often at the loss of our own armed forces.    While life in the USA is not always the most steady of things thanks to the roller coaster economy and unemployment numbers, you have to agree that it is far better than living under the regime of some psychotic dictator.   I think everyone that I know has had a relative that has served in the armed forces of some kind in my circle of friends and my own family has had Marine and Army Vets.  Should any of these connections in your life still be with us, it might be a nice idea to spend a little time with them and hear some stories if they are willing to share any.

Veteran’s Day is a good day to show just how much you appreciate their sacrifice even if you don’t always agree with the politics that came along with those in combat.  For them its a matter of duty, honor and country.  I snapped these couple of images over the summer while spending the weekend with friends upstate and its of the Orange County Veteran’s Memorial.  It’s located in Newburgh, NY and I really loved the powerful nature of the statue.  There were two flags high above on poles but I was not able to get a proper long distance shot for you to enjoy.  You will simply have to trust me on that.  The next image is just a closer look at the reflecting solider in this monument.

I wanted to showcase a few more photos of this kind as a part of Veteran’s Day posting, but the available hunting time for other statues and monuments was just not with me.  Next year I will do my damnedest to offer you a little more in the way of visuals even if I have to adventure around the city and surrounding area a little more.  Until then, be mindful of those who serve to protect you and your beliefs in our fine nation.  The active servicemen and women often do this duty away from their own loved ones so they deserve your thanks.

Happy Veteran’s Day!!!