Good afternoon my friends. I’m taking a minute of your time to use The Chronicles as a PSA to let you know that I have just begun loading up my thoughts and images from the currently running NY Comic Con. As usual this event is taking over the Javits Center and beyond and I am proud to share that I am once again wandering this massive happening as a member of the press. If you click the graphic below, you will be transported over to the website and see a rundown of the posts that are online.
So far there are a little more than a handful, but that is because the event is still running at the time of this writing. It’s common for me to post between 4 and 6 posts per day from the convention since I like to keep the images to “50” and no more per post. It’s more work like this but who cares, I want to give you the most I possibly can. Please check it out and know that much more is coming to this site as well based on all the things that I have been lining up.
Remember that the means to comment on this post has been turned OFF as I encourage those who are compelled to add thoughts to do so on the chapter that is most relevant to do so on. Thanks for listening.
Hey there readers of the Chronicles Of PiercingKen, I’m here today to tell you that I am once again exploring the massive event known as NY Comic Con as a member of the Press. The convention actually started yesterday but my first post went up on the site a few short hours ago. I’ll be stockpiling my visual finds on that website until I run out of things to post. To see all of the adventurous fun all you need do is click the logo below as that will transport you over to the music and pop culture site. The tag will present all of the posted narratives from the convention and since this runs for a few days and we have numerous posts to share, you might want to check now and then return in a couple of days to see more until I am finished. Based on the photos that I took during the first day, I anticipate no less than “10” narratives on PiercingMetal. I’ll be back with more conventional stuff as soon as possible.
Please Note: Since this is a signpost to another resource, the means to comment here have been disabled. You can leave topical thoughts on any of the posts that suit your fancy on the website. Also, if you are a fan of Instagram, you can check out the Official account by clicking HERE. A ton of additional images from the convention have been uploaded there for your enjoyment.