Tag Archives: meadowlands exposition center

PiercingMetal Goes To Heroes & Villains Fan Fest 2016

This weekend, the Meadowlands Exposition Center played host to the “Heroes and Villains Fan Fest” and its the type of convention where fans of shows like “Arrow”, “The Flash” and “Legends Of Tomorrow” could meet the cast of players and get photo ops with them for a nominal fee. There are also scores of vendors and cosplayers wandering around and I would be one of the attending press at the event. My coverage of the time that we spent at the event can be found on my PiercingMetal website and you can check it out by clicking the graphic below.

Logo - Heroes and Villains Fan Fest

As usual the means to comment on this little signpost has been disabled but I welcome your topical thoughts on the collection of narratives over on the PiercingMetal site. See you over there 🙂

Official Website: http://www.heroesfanfest.com