Tag Archives: ken pierce media anniversaries

Ken Pierce Media Celebrates Its First Anniversary

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Hello my Friends, I’m going to repeat myself here on “The Chronicles” with a slightly modified announcement that recently went live over on the PiercingMetal website because its pretty cool news IMHO. I am taking a moment out of the usual publishing schedule to talk about my Ken Pierce Media brand which I think many of the diehard readers might recall as being announced here back in June of 2020 during the height of the pandemic. What began quite simply has grown considerably and today the Ken Pierce Media angle is now one full year old and I should point out that this is the very first time that I broadcast about a websites debut anniversary. Though a unifying presence to the larger body of creative work, Ken Pierce Media does not supplant or replace the PiercingMetal or Piercing Ken sites as much as expands their voice. Some personal insight on the first anniversary can be found in a blog post that you can find HERE and I think you will find it interesting.

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