Tag Archives: jim delligatti

A Foodie Goodbye To The “Big Mac” Daddy; Jim Delligatti Has Died (1918-2016)


Foodies around the realm are having a Mac attack at the sad news that Jim Delligatti, the creator of the famous McDonald’s hamburger the Big Mac, has passed away. He was 98 and will forever be known for this incredible fast food burger. In honor of his passing, I paid a visit to my local franchise and ordered up a couple of them and a small fries. They were two for $6 in my neighborhood so I figured the indulgence would be worked off with all of the walking coming up in the next few days. I don’t eat these all that much nowadays despite loving the occasional hamburger at various pubs and clubs that I venture into for my PiercingMetal.com forays. Its a perfect blend of two whole beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun. Did you know there was actually a jingle for this way back in the day? There was. We even had a giant Big Mac as the policeman of a place called McDonaldland which many of you readers are far too young to remember but it was surely fun. Funnier still was that action figures existed of these characters and while I had them they have been long lost to the sands of time. They’re worth lots of money now too as well.

The history of the hamburger known as the Big Mac was quite interesting to read and you can learn about the famous hamburger on its Wikipedia entry below. Goodnight Mr. Delligatti, thanks for your creation and for increasing my waistline a little bit over the years. May you Rest In Peace.

Official Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Mac