Hello there and welcome back. As I mentioned in the previous post, the coverage of this years Book Expo America was going to be presented right here on PiercingKen.com as opposed to my PiercingMetal.com since the exploring bore broader fruit. Starting off my visuals is the sign from the Press Office. The area itself is nice to have to sit down and collect some notes but I didn’t notice any coffee or snacks this time around which was a bit of a bummer.

One of the first things that I learned was happening today would be a signing of a preview by the legendary Richard Hell of a tome called “Massive Pissed Love”. Though I never personally followed his band The Voidoids during the heyday but of course know the seminal tune “Blank Generation” and how important it is to Rock history. Here are a few photos from that part of the morning.
Continue reading Exploring Book Expo America 2015: Part 2