Hey there readers, it’s Independence Day once again and for those keeping count that means we have been doing this sort of holiday for 241 years since our Country was founded in 1776. That’s still pretty young when compared to some of the other nations of the world but that’s fine by me as I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. As I’ve done over the years, when a holiday rolls around I try to secure some topical images and share them with you all. Here are a couple of those images in celebration of our nations birth. My first image is actually of the small flag that hangs on the inside door of my apartment. Believe it or not I found this lying in the street some years ago after a parade and I couldn’t let that be the case so I picked it up, washed it off and gave it a good press. Now it hangs proud in the Creative Command HQ for The Chronicles.
These next two images are from my wanderings in my beautiful Bay Ridge neighborhood. This house often sets up a nice display but I’ve never seen the residents to thank them for always upping the decorating game for the area.
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It’s Independence Day 2015 my friends and as per usual I am here once again with a few images that reflect a sense of pride in these United States and in the support of the red, white and blue American Flag. Let’s get right down to it. First up is a great and massive flag that waves over the streets of Newburgh, NY where I just visited some friends.
I have to apologize to my buddy who always has to deal with my sudden bursts of photographic mania when we are driving around in his region. I can only imagine how that can be. Sorry dude but its for good use as you see here 🙂
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It’s Independence Day in NYC and I just wanted to take a moment to wish you all a very Happy Fourth Of July. As is my usual practice, I’ve culled together some images that I felt properly represent the day. Let’s start off with this awesome figurine from the folks at Safari Limited. I saw this as the 2014 Toy Fair and thought it would be great.
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Just a quick posting to wish all of our friends, family and readers around the wherever a very Happy Fourth Of July which is being celebrated in today in the USA for those of you who are hitting our site from other parts of the world. I like making it a practice here on the blog to showcase topical visuals that I had seen and that being said here is some cool Independence Day pride that was observed on the windows of a bar called J.J. Bubbles in my Bay Ridge neighborhood.
This next image was found while doing one of my daily lengthy neighborhood walks and seen on the 92nd Street Overpass. Finding this was a case of perfect timing.
I didn’t see all that many out of the ordinary presentations this year so please be okay with these simple few. I hope you all have an enjoyable day with whomever you are spending it with and of course please be careful around those fireworks.
Happy Birthday America.
Official Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Independence_Day_(United_States)
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I just wanted to wish everyone an amazing Fourth Of July today. Let’s never forget the Founding Fathers of our Great Nation and the steps that they took to make this one of the most amazing countries in the world on this Independence Day. Happy 236th Birthday USA!!!!
Continue reading Happy Fourth Of July 2012 →
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A Lifestyle Blog with a New York Flair