“It’s the most wonderful time of the year” la la la la la la laaaaaa! OK so let me get this out of the way right now. I am not going to get into the debate about whether one should say “Merry Christmas” or opt for “Happy Holidays” to avoid insulting or leaving out other cultures. I celebrate Christmas, as does all of my family so I say that. At the end of the day I mean no slight to my friends of other faiths and will gladly raise a glass of whatever is available for their own celebrations.

Celebrating Christmas brings me to the rationale behind this blog posting. Since I did a Halloween themed post and scared up a lot of spooky images over there I decided to try my hand at one of the other most decorated holidays that I knew of. So without any further adieu please enjoy the bevy of photos that I will hope bring a little more of the holiday season in you. I’ll start with the Wall Street “Holiday Tree”. They call it that to be fair to everyone obviously. Can’t have people picketing the Stock Exchange now can we.

Continue reading Have A Merry Christmas 2010 New York City 🙂