On this day way back in 1904, the great literary figure Theodor Suess Geisel was born and you know him best as “Dr. Suess”. His most famous creations in his books fell to Horton (who heard a Who), The Grinch (who had stolen Christmas in case you didn’t know) and the initimible Cat In The Hat. All of them a part of some truly timeless stuff. The author has been gone from this plane since 1991 but his works remain forever a part of our childhood psyche and when I saw this photograph that I had taken a few years ago on my phone I decided to bring him up right here on The Chronicles.

Another reason to bring this up is the fact that the National Read Across America Day was set on the author’s birthday and despite my only learning that this particular occasion existed before I penned this narrative, its premise is quite easy to understand. It’s also rather cool so please my friends, let’s get off Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for a little while and read something in a physical book form. You can keep this website or the PiercingMetal.com one open of course since there is no need to get crazy about shutting every online aspect out of your day 🙂 I think reading to someone is also an important part of what today stands for and if you are in the position to do so, please keep up that process with the younger member of your family circle. As far as your reading time goes, hey open one of the books that you forgot about in your bookcase since we all have those. Even a comic book or a magazine or digest is a good idea. You can even donate books that you don’t want to a local hospital or shelter if you feel you are done with them and don’t need them taking up anymore space.
That’s all I have for now. Happy Birthday Up In The Cosmos Dr. Seuss. Thank you for all your fanciful stories that made growing up all the more adventurous so so many of us.
Official Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dr._Seuss
Official RAM Website: http://www.nea.org/grants/886.htm
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