Tag Archives: discover the ride

Progressive IMS Outdoors Tour Partners with Strider and Non-profit All Kids Bike

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The Press Release:
The nation’s leading consumer motorcycle tour, Progressive IMS Outdoors, today announced two new partnerships with Strider and non-profit organization All Kids Bike to lead a two-part initiative designed to excite young kids about the thrill of two wheels by engaging children at an early age and teaching the younger generation how to ride.

The Kids Zone with Strider, the latest addition to Discover The Ride, will elevate the industry-leading new rider program by introducing two experiential courses geared toward all riders ages two through 15 at each stop along the 2021 tour. Furthermore, to complement the onsite attraction and extend support to the local community, the organizers of the Progressive IMS Outdoors tour join the All Kids Bike movement dedicated to teaching all children in America how to ride in kindergarten PE classes.
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