Tag Archives: dashboard video

A Bay Ridge Ride Along: The Scenic Route

Was out with a friend not too long ago doing some errands and general zipping around when I realized I was close to a stretch of the Belt Parkway that my Pop always used to refer to as “The Scenic Route”. With that in mind I snapped to attention with the Galaxy Note 4 and recorded some video that I am now sharing with friends, family and fans of our little home on the web. Well, the ones that are not usually following the PiercingMetal.com stuff I mean (insert shameless plug here LOL).

Before you ask, the answer is NO I was not driving and please pardon the bumps in the video, this is “as is” presentation like you were sitting there zipping past the Narrows on the way to the exit that brings me to the Creative Command HQ. Speaking personally, I’ve always liked this particular run of road and am glad to share it with you all. I thought it would be fun to send to my no longer area resident parents who have retired to the warmer climates of the south. Be sure to do this yourself should you be in town for any reason 🙂 Until next time.