Hey Friends I am back with another go-round from the recent Toy Insider “Holiday Of Play” event for 2023 that took place at Current at Chelsea Piers. Before I pick up from where I left off, let’s make sure you are fully up to snuff about the hottest picks from those experts in a list you can find by clicking HERE. Once you’ve reviewed that we can continue along with visuals like these Maya Flyers. Nice idea.

Continue reading Scenes From Toy Insider’s “Holiday Of Play” 2023: Part Three →
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Okay so now that I’ve shared the larger news announcement from the Toy Insider press team AND shown all of these items in a post of their own (seen HERE and HERE ICYMI), now its time to bring you with me around the show starting with the entry to the wonderful Current at Chelsea Piers event space.

The signage at the entrance makes sure to let you know who will be participating at the event and this is great should you be arriving uninformed.

This amazing balloon sculpture wizard greeted everyone and there was also a batch of balloon presents. The attendees were encouraged to do a photo op which I bailed on as I was more eager to catch up with contacts and also get a bit of water as I was parched for some reason.

Continue reading Scenes From Toy Insider’s “Holiday Of Play” 2023: Part Two →
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It was just the other day that I shared the Hottest Picks from the folks over at The Toy Insider who recently held their annual “Holiday Of Play” event at the Current at Chelsea Piers event space. If you missed the rundown for any reason you can peruse it by clicking HERE. This photo gallery will begin some of the event coverage that was done by focusing on this same rundown. Enjoy.

The STEM 10 is the list of things that will keep your younger members of the family the most engaged. Remember that with STEM meaning Science, Technology, Engineering and Math these are the products that tap into all that brain energy and helps it find even better focus.

Continue reading Scenes From Toy Insider’s “Holiday Of Play” 2023: Part One →
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