It is time for me to dial “G” for “Geek” my friends because I am heading over to the 2013 edition of NY Comic Con that is being held at the Jacob Javits Center. As result this little post is more of an “Away From Desk” notification but if you click the logo below you can once again enjoy the past coverage that I offered up to the readers of my main PiercingMetal Blog. I think you will enjoy it since it was such a good time.
I’m not attending as a press representative this time around and while I know that this disclosure must shock you, believe me there is no one more surprised than I was based on having done this massive show to the nines for three years in a row and offering up a few dozen posts and a couple of thousand photos from the proceedings. Luckily there was the means to secure a three day pass and I will be examining what I can over that time. See you all again soon.
As you read this post you should know that I am preparing myself with a couple of more things that I will need before I head over to the Javits Center to get my Geek on. Yes today begins the NY Comic Con and for the second year in a row I shall be attending the event as a member of the accredited press. Now I’ll be covering this as the Master and Commander of PiercingMetal of course but since this is my lifestyle blog I figured why not let you know where we are and how you can keep up with the adventures that I will be involved in. Last year I loaded the whole enchilada onto the Official Blog for PiercingMetal because the flow of the narrative seemed to work out much better in that particular medium of the site. Now away I go…see you in a couple of days.
UPDATE: 10/16/2011: Hello again, I have returned from the NY Comic Con and boy am I exhausted. Now that this event is four days it is a lot more taxing on a person. I decided that it was better for me to come back and lightly edit this posting once I had returned to let you know that by clicking the logo right above us that you will be taken over to the leader page of the full story that lives on the blog. I posted a LOT of photographs and I hope you will enjoy this article. Thanks so much for your interest in this side site of mine as well, its a lot of fun sharing different stuff with you. I’ll be getting back on that stuff as soon as I get a little more in gear with the music reporting site.
Please note that comments have been “disabled” on this notice as they are better served on the myriad of posts on the site. Thanks for understanding.
For as long as I can remember I have been a fan of comic books, super-heroes and pretty much the whole Science-Fiction medium as a whole. During college I did a short internship over at Marvel Comics and while I “used to” draw various doodles and images, this was put aside to be more serious about semi-professional music pursuits. Anyway, a few days ago was the annual NY Comic Con & Anime Festival which was held at the Jacob Javits Center on the West Side. I attended all three days of the massive event and documented these adventures over on the official blog for my website since I had been able to wander the halls as a member of the press. Clicking the logo below will bring you over there so you can enjoy what we saw and hopefully feel like you were walking next to us. This personal blog might do that every so often, and of course the one might send readers over here when the need arises.
Click This Logo To See My Blogs About The Comic Con
Please note that comments are disabled on this leader posting as we prefer any that readers might have be placed on the actual content postings. Have fun. We did post our visit to the fashion show that was held at the Comic Con by the Hangry & Angry folks and you can see those observations and images by clicking HERE.