Continuing along with the coverage of the massive event known as Toy Fair 2016, I am bringing you two companies in this short narrative. The first up are the newest items from the CollectA company and then there are a couple of things from Colorforms. Here we go.

You might recall some of the images from the past years Toy Fair coverage that showed off some of the CollectA brand of items. They make some really cool miniature dinosaurs, reptiles and other assorted animals. These were among the newest of their offerings and they sure did look awesome. I particularly liked the T-Rex, the plesiosaur and the wild boar.

Continue reading Exploring Toy Fair 2016: CollectA & Colorforms →
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As previously announced here on the Chronicles, I had attended the always amazing Toy Fair for my PiercingMetal.com website. This year I wanted to expand upon the findings at the event by using this blog to feature the stuff that just didn’t fit over there. I’ll begin with two company’s that I love and showcase some Colorforms and Folkmanis Puppets visuals.

When I was growing up, there was always something cool coming out from Colorforms and that tradition seems to be continuing into 2015 as you can see with these fun packs. Two popular licenses such as Spider-Man and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are sure to appeal to those fans of the characters and this toy.

Continue reading Exploring Toy Fair 2015: Colorforms and Folkmanis Puppets →
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