Tag Archives: canstruction

Canstruction NY 2019 Begins Today @ Brookfield Place

construction logo

The Press Copy:
The 27th Annual Canstruction New York is now open! Please visit the 2019 exhibit at Brookfield Place, 230 Vesey Street in lower Manhattan between November 7th and 22nd 2018, daily (including weekends), 10 a.m. – 8 p.m, except November 22nd when the exhibit closes at 6 p.m. for the dismantling of the structures. The exhibit is free to the public; however, we ask all visitors to bring a can of high-quality food to donate to City Harvest. A donation bin is available on the second level (Lobby Level on elevators). Download a map of the 2019 Canstruction New York structure locations to be sure to see all 31 structures (via THIS LINK). Directions to Brookfield Place or View a map.

Vote for your favorite structure!
2019 Canstruction New York People’s Choice Award Voting is now open Voting is open until the exhibit comes down on November 22nd. Choose your favorite via THIS LINK.

*** end of press copy ***

Piercing Ken Thoughts: I love this exhibit and have been going for the last few years now. There is so much creativity and talent displayed that its a photographers dream come true. Though I will not get there for a few days based on a vibrant schedule on “The Chronicles” and PiercingMetal.com, I will be going and as I’ve cited in the past….be sure to have a fully charged mobile device or camera or both and one of those external batteries for good measure. I always tend to do regular pics with a camera and stuff for the social networks with the mobile device. Feel free to copy this practice if you also have a website to play with on top of a number of social networks. Oh and last but not least, its really important to bring a can or food along or even some more if you are feeling thankful and fortunate in these times. I tend to bring my own supermarkets brand with me since they are slightly cheaper than a name brand and this lets me bring a few cans as opposed to one or two. I don’t consider this being cheap since I use the store brand myself and like it quite a bit. Some recommendations on what to bring are corn, peas, beans, spinach and maybe even some gravy. As they have noted above, ALL of the donated items AND the products that make up the sculptures go off to City Harvest when the exhibit is dismantled. This will help soup kitchens all around the city feed the hungry and make a lot of people happy if even for a brief time period. The holiday season is upon us so let’s get that spirit in play shall we. Closing up I will suggest that you start to follow “The Chronicles” on our social networks of Facebook and Instagram since I will be posting some stuff over there when I pay my visit in the coming days. See you next time.

Official Website: https://www.sdanyc.org/canstruction/