Today marks the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge that spans from Bay Ridge, Brooklyn over to Staten Island across the Narrows tidal strait. As an almost lifelong resident of Bay Ridge and being in a close enough proximity to where the bridge actually is, I regularly find myself down on the Shore Promenade walking around with my camera snagging visuals for all of my readers to enjoy. What I did with this particular post for the anniversary was to cull together a whole lot of shots from different points in time and from different angles for your maximum pleasure. I’ll make note when I can but for the most part its more fun to let your imagination run with you.
We had a gloomy fog filled night tonight and I just had to wander about a little bit to give you folks from outside the region a little glimpse. It was pretty eerie out there but also rather cool. I was armed with only the Panasonic Lumix and an eye ready for any foreboding figures that I might encounter.
I wandered down the nearby avenues to see what it was like and it was pretty weird to find such an empty street since it was not yet too late in the evening.
New York City got hit with a little bit of a snowstorm the other day and instead of sitting inside I downed a couple of cups of coffee and headed out into the day after mix to snag some photos of my immediate area. With so many friends in the warmer climates, I figured they would enjoy seeing this kind of stuff. Let’s start the adventure with the street right outside of my creative command center.
It was interesting to see Third Avenue so desolate but it was quiet so almost a welcome experience. There were not many people around me and this was not super early mind you. Everyone was bundled up because it was about 11 degrees Fahrenheit. That’s -11.666 for those of you using Celsius by the way (brrrrrr). I’m sure my Finnish friends would tell me that this is like a summer day to them.
Today is Earth Day, and while I would have loved to share a photo of the whole planet with my wonderful readers, I had to settle on that little place I call home New York City. The photo you see below was shot by me yesterday as I stood on the bank of the East River in the aptly named “East River Park”.
It was a beautiful day here in NYC and I was at the 1st Annual Hot Sauce Expo and just could not resist sharing a quick visual of our Big Apple with all of you. I shot this with the Droid phone and uploaded it to Facebook, so some of my first viewers saw it there. If you get over to these parts during the last few weeks of Spring or in the Summer, so take a wander here and snap your own shot. You will not regret doing so. Obviously the photo shows some of the East River, the Empire State Building and to your right a tiny bit of the Chrysler Building. Happy Earth Day my friends. Treat her and each other with kindness. We’ve only so much time to spend together after all. Oh yeah and if you’d like to see that Hot Sauce Expo that I said I was attending you can click HERE for that article. It’s over on my PiercingMetal site.
I know that the title just had to get your attention and find you shaking your head saying “what in the world is he going on about this time”. Well, I am serious my friends, I truly think that I have discovered a clandestinely placed Batcycle. Let me explain. So the powerful Hurricane Sandy was on its way to our fair metropolis and I received a call from my friend The Beehive Hairdresser. It seemed as though he was up for a wander around the realm to see if anything struck his writing fancy before the storm hit us and since I am always game for this kind of adventure I joined along without argument. We wandered about a bit and chanced upon this next visual. Yes, a motorcyle and its sidecar. Now since one does not often see this kind of thing during the normal course of the day in 2012 I was convinced – It was the Batcycle.
Now you will of course think me crazy by saying this, and I completely understand since there are no clear “bat markings” or gadgets around it. It looks like a very normal motorcyle and sidecar but lets be honest here. If you were Batman and wanted to hide this thing, where would you do it if the Batcave was no where near you. Well you hide it in plain sight of course. Done and done.
I’m not going to say exactly where this was found but it was in the relative vicinity of the fortified headquarters of the PiercingMetal Command HQ so don’t be surprised if you live around here should you see a certain Caped Crusader zipping by on matters of justice.
That’s all I have for now my friends. Keep rocking.