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Winners Of The 73rd British Academy Film Awards

british academy of film and television arts logo

Hey there my friends I am back with the winners list of the recently held BAFTA’s which is the British Academy Film Awards in case you didn’t know that. These awards are still a new inclusion to our context of awards show narratives and I must admit that I like having them here since it upgrades our Pop Culture focuses nicely. It doesn’t hurt to support some stuff from across the pond for any of our readers in the United Kingdom. So let’s take a look at who won out and as you might have expected, I have left the nominated players in the mix for comparison sake. See you at the close.

Best Film:
WINNER – 1917 – Pippa Harris, Callum McDougall, Sam Mendes and Jayne-Ann Tenggren
The Irishman – Robert De Niro, Jane Rosenthal, Martin Scorsese and Emma Tillinger Koskoff
Joker – Bradley Cooper, Todd Phillips and Emma Tillinger Koskoff
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood – David Heyman, Shannon McIntosh and Quentin Tarantino
Parasite – Bong Joon-ho and Kwak Sin-ae

Best Direction:
WINNER – Sam Mendes – 1917
Bong Joon-ho – Parasite
Martin Scorsese – The Irishman
Quentin Tarantino – Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Todd Phillips – Joker
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