Tag Archives: blog software

Hitting A Decade Of Using WordPress (2007-2017)

So I am a few days late with this news but its been a little busy over here at the Creative Command HQ; The other day I received a notification on the WordPress Admin Dashboard which said that a super cool milestone had been reached and this anniversary is that I had signed up for WordPress.com some ten years ago.  Longer tenured readers know that I am using this blogging software on both of my websites at this time.   Check out the “Anniversary Graphic” and then we shall continue along.

As I’ve noted in past posts of this kind, I love sharing what amounts to a website anniversary or maybe with this its more of a blogiversary since its for the blogging software I’m celebrating here.  Ten years is a long time to be doing anything nowadays and while I’ve been using the WordPress software for that long, the main PiercingMetal website hit its 12th Anniversary back in April while “The Chronicles” is now just passed its 7th.  I should have gone to WordPress a little earlier with PM.com but was afraid to make the jump when this was something “brand new”.  Now, with both outlets fully using WordPress the creativity flows a whole lot easier than ever before.  Let’s take a look at where these two websites stand collectively.
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Hitting My WordPress 9th Anniversary :)

Today the notification hit my WordPress Admin Dashboard and reminded me that I had reached a new personal milestone as one of the users of this blogging software. According to the notification I have now been a registered user of WordPress for nine years and its been a great boon to my creative world for sure. Below is the updated graphic that I was presented with.

Photo - WordPress - 9th Anniversary

I love sharing the webcentric anniversaries here on the Chronicles and to reiterate what this one actually means, its not a creative scribe anniversary but instead means I have been using the WordPress software for nine years. Some might remember that I originally began my forays into blogging by using the Blogger tools but I preferred the way WordPress flowed for me and that it could be installed right under my dotcom names. PiercingMetal.com hit its 11th Anniversary this year and PiercingKen.com its 6th and I’ve been a full WordPress creative house since 2014 which permits a lot more fluidity in my creative edge. I no longer even miss the old static design in the slightest since by 2014 the smallest update required so much work. While there is still a substantial amount of “legacy” content to integrate into PiercingMetal.com, across the board collectively it looks like this:
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