Tag Archives: announcements

PiercingKen Blog Breaks The Sophomore Curse (or Welcome To Year 2)

Hey there. I just wanted to take a quick commercial break from the regularly scheduled blogging to let you all know that the PiercingKen Blog has successfully hit the beginning of our second year. It’s exciting for me to say the least because I was still enjoying the feeling of accomplishment after recently celebrating seven years of PiercingMetal.com as a website and having its own blog hit five years shortly after that. When one considers how rapidly blogs and websites come and go nowadays thanks to things like Facebook Pages it’s always nice to have clocked in with another year of creative output.

I’ll admit to the readers that I really love having the PiercingKen Blog because it lets me do absolutely anything that I feel like tossing into the mix. Sometimes I will talk about music or past experiences in the field and sometimes I will do something with a more culinary flair and show you how to properly assemble a Vietnamese chicken noodle soup. PiercingKen is my catch all, but at the same time is a real day to day life observance through my eyes and will bring to your attention anything that I see that I feel like writing about or sharing with you. Some readers love it and there are others who, well, I really don’t care if they like it or not. Those folks can spend their time surfing around for other stuff that suits their fancy.

I’ve been going through so many photo folders to see what we have for upcoming posts and believe me there is a healthy amount of “travelog” kind of stuff to share with you along with whatever else happens to amuse me at the time. I might even scan some older photographs of places that I shot years ago and would like to explore as a creative today. Who knows. Just stay tuned by subscribing to our RSS Feed or adding our Official Facebook Page or Twitter. Thanks for making the past two years a lot of fun, I love keeping you entertained.

“The Chronicles Of Piercing Ken” Announces Official Instagram Profile

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I’m sure that you’ve all heard about this network by now and if you were following my Social Media posts over on PiercingMetal you might recall that I discussed Instagram even before having an account of my own. That was posted about HERE if you didn’t see it. The app was ONLY available to the iPhone users and as a longtime Android mobile user, I thought that sucked since there was a whole missing out vibe going on. With that being said I am here to not only tell you that our time has come but that I have also created our Official Profile on the Instagram social media network. My first post to this photo-sharing applications world is embedded below. It’s a couple of vintage Batman toys.

Continue reading “The Chronicles Of Piercing Ken” Announces Official Instagram Profile

PiercingMetal Goes To Toy Fair 2012

Yep. Toy Fair 2012 begins today my friends and I cannot tell you how excited I am to be attending Toy Fair 2012 as a member of the accredited press once again. Oh alright, I can tell you “I am VERY excited”. This is my second go at this massive industry only event and its a great chance for me to observe and share the findings about the newest and hottest developments in the toy industry with you all. While the narratives for last year’s event reside on the Official Blog for PiercingMetal as opposed to this blog site, I wanted to make this post to let you all know to check over there for the upcoming coolness that I shall be bringing to the table. As expected this humongous trade show will be taking over the Jacob Javits Center for the next four days and I will have my good buddy Skeleton Pete Parrella along for the journey. He’ll be taking photos and notes for his own Skeleton Pete site as well.

Clicking the logo above will bring you to all of our posts about the event and depending on when you follow its lead, there might be more than the first time since the coverage will span numerous days and postings. I’ve disabled the means to comment on this post as its not much more than an introduction piece but do please let your topical thoughts be known on the posts that you will find on PiercingMetal.com; Thanks for listening my friends and please keep your day a positive one.

PiercingKen Now Has An Official Facebook Fan Page

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It’s with great modesty and flair that I inform the readers of the PiercingKen Blog that we are now rocking one of those sweet Official Facebook Fan Pages. I think you already know that we have been using Twitter for the blog since its launch day and if you don’t, well, please allow me to add to the mix that we have a Twitter account connected to this blog’s activity as well. Nowadays it appears that one needs a strong presence on the vital Social Networks to keep the visibility going and since I’ve found some success with them over on the PiercingMetal.com site I figured let me tend to the PiercingKen.com house in a similar fashion.

The Facebook page for the website gets the most attention right now because its been used a little longer. I was not originally going to create one but figured why not with so many other websites tossing their hats into the fire. We surely don’t want to be bypassed by stuff that doesn’t work as hard for your viewing time either and even the newest websites on the Interwebs have their own pages. WordPress posts here are shared on my personal profile once they have been showcased on the Facebook Page for a couple of days. I of course welcome you to do the same on articles that you like (or even all of them – I surely don’t mind the views being proliferated).

I do ask that comments on the blog postings be focused on the actual posting and not on the Facebook Page because that does not let your voice work within the greater context of the piece. Just my own thoughts on that and believe me we approve every topical comment that speaks to the readers interests about the subject matter. I tried to make the Facebook Page easier to “Like” as well by adding a “Like Box” to the main page of the actual site. I saw this as a plug in and love how it works.

Now back to the sorting of images and ideas. My hope is to keep delivering some really cool stuff in 2012 and even getting some older things that just merited sharing with you in this little space. Thanks for listening.

Piercing Ken on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/piercingken

PiercingMetal Goes To Toy Fair 2011

This past week in NYC was the 108th Annual Toy Fair and as with many events of its scope would be held over at the Jacob Javits Center on Manhattan’s West Side.  You might recall that PiercingMetal.com was on point at this very location for the NY Comic Con back in the last 1/4 of 2010, and if not, we suggest you hit this LINK to enjoy all of our narratives about the event.

Toy Fair 2011 would be no less the daunting effort and while I am still coming to grips with my some of my own coverage, you can see the chapters that are currently online by clicking the Toy Fair logo above.  I attended this incredible event with my comrade in arms Skeleton Pete who was a busy little bee as well.  He even wrote up a few narratives that can be enjoyed over on his own website SkeletonPete.com – Click the image below to be taken to them.  This was an amazing convention and an experience that I will never forget.

Skeleton Pete & The Skeleton Man

Please know that comments have been disabled for this post as its merely a traffic sign to the larger coverage. You’ll find numerous posts on PiercingMetal.com that you might add topical views to as you need to.