Hello again my dear friends and faithful followers of our lifestyle website “The Chronicles Of Piercing Ken”. It’s once again time for me to laud some social networking milestones with you and as I’ve done before this news relates to my PiercingMetal.com side of the fence. So you might be aware of the fact that the Metal and Pop Culture site had hit its fourteenth anniversary back in April (discussed HERE) and this little alert is to let you know that the Tumblr microblogging account that we use is now ten years old. I think that this is cool news and I’ll discuss a little more about it down below the image.

So before I continue I think that I should explain why I’d post about a PiercingMetal thing here on “The Chronicles” for those who don’t know how we work already. Some already know that each website that I do is the opposing side of the same creative coin. This year, the PiercingMetal website hit fourteen and then this site surpassed its ninth anniversary and at this point I work each of them together quite a bit and no one seems to mind. While each site has its own audience there is a lot of transfer of interest depending on where the reader is in their lives. I created an account on Tumblr to lock in the creative identity on that medium and since 2009 have been using it to place our content in front of you is you choose to follow us over there. It’s very bare bones but I was also making sure to alert you to some of the coolness that was happening over on “The Chronicles” as well. The interesting thing about still using this profile still is based on the news that came to light just last month. It seems as though the folks over at Automattic have purchased Tumblr from its previous owners at Verizon and if that name rings a bell its because they also own WordPress. I discussed that news HERE in case you’d like to read it and while a month later is too early to determine what the future holds for all of the Tumblr profiles, there is a pretty good chance that it gets to be an even better experience for those who use it and follow us. At last check we had a couple of hundred profiles following us so please know that there is always room for more. For me, the shares to it is an automatic checking of a box and I think there are more than 3.5K posts on the profile so that’s a lot of chances to send readers to our posts. With this big news I should probably share a lot more of both websites and our other social networks over there as well for good measure. If you aren’t following any of these links we ask that you please do so with Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. I’ve said this before and maintain that when it all comes down to it, it helps with website outreach and that’s fine by me. The link is below if you use the medium and enjoy PiercingMetal. There are hearts visible on each of the posts and we ask that you click them to show you enjoyed the feed. It should help the account in the Tumblrverse as well. Thanks for listening and I will see you again soon.
Update 10/1/2020: Since the time of this announcement, the PiercingMetal Tumblr has been rebranded as the Ken Pierce Media Tumblr and all links now reflect this change. This rebranding makes it all the more comprehensive and entertaining going forward.
Official Website: http://www.tumblr.com
Official PiercingMetal Ken Pierce Media Tumblr: http://kenpiercemedia.tumblr.com
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