Tag Archives: american international toy fair

Exploring Toy Fair 2016: Crayola

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It’s clear that Crayola is one of the most iconic brands in the history of creative play from their being the creator of the famous wax crayons that I am pretty sure every single one of us owned as a child. I have fond memories of the original small box of “9” and if you were a lucky duck you might have gotten that big “64” box with colors you could only imagine existing. Do you remember that it even had a sharpener on the box? I do. During Toy Fair, Skeleton Pete and I explored the offerings that were happening in the Crayola pavilion and I am presenting them to you below.

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As with many of the Toy Fair attending vendors, the press outlets must set up an appointment to explore the offerings so one of their team can provide insight on the product line and field any questions that you might have about what you were seeing. As we entered we were treated to this delicious cupcake and a cookie. Yes I ate them both because wandering the Javits Center in this fashion is draining and exhausting.

toy fair, toy fair 2016, crayola

toy fair, toy fair 2016, crayola
Continue reading Exploring Toy Fair 2016: Crayola

Exploring Toy Fair 2016: Fat Brain Toys

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As noted only a few posts ago, my exploration of the 2016 Toy Fair was done and while a considerable amount of my narratives will be located on PiercingMetal.com there are other items that I found of real interest and fell outside of my usual wheelhouse. As a scribe you also meet some awesome reps from numerous different companies and this post focuses on what was observed at Fat Brain Toys. Take a look.

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Skeleton Pete and I had gotten to the point of expanded exploration at this point of the convention and what I mean by that is how we were between the locked in appointments and now was the perfect time to see what else could be discovered. The large bins with this colorful goop type stuff caught my eye and I learned from the Chizcomm PR rep Stephanie that it was known as magic sand. I grew up on Play Doh, Silly Putty and even those grosser things like “Slime” so found the sand to be super interesting.

fat brain toys, toy fair 2016

This stuff was amazing. It really felt like sand and yet there was nothing on your hands when you were done mushing it around between your fingers or molding shapes. Even the famous clays I grew up with didn’t offer that to happen to you.

fat brain toys, toy fair 2016
Continue reading Exploring Toy Fair 2016: Fat Brain Toys

Exploring Toy Fair 2016: The TIA @ 100 Years

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Hello again. When last we met and began discussing the findings at the 2016 American International Toy Fair which I just called Toy Fair, I had presented the winners of the “Toy Of The Year” awards in their own post. Now before I get underway with the amazing companies that I am sharing here on The Chronicles Of PiercingKen, I wanted to share this awesome walk through history about the Toy Industry Association. They are celebrating their 100th anniversary with this years event and I felt that such a milestone deserved a post of its own. Here is the display from afar.

tia at 100 years, toy industry association history

Now that the full shot has been taken care of, let me go through this lineage panel by panel. I hope you can read them, I tried to get it all as large as possible without ruining the shot. See you at the close.
Continue reading Exploring Toy Fair 2016: The TIA @ 100 Years

Exploring Toy Fair 2016: Toy Of The Year 2016 Winners

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As previously mentioned, I was going to be a part of Toy Fair 2016 and lock in my sixth straight year at this amazing convention as a member of the online press. The coverage for this year’s go round was going to be presented to the readers of both of my websites with the more collectible action figures and fantasy stuff going to PiercingMetal.com and the more for younger audiences stuff happening right here.

toy fair 2016, toy of the year 2016 winners, toty 2016 winners

toy fair 2016, toy of the year 2016 winners, toty 2016 winners
Continue reading Exploring Toy Fair 2016: Toy Of The Year 2016 Winners

PiercingKen Goes To Toy Fair 2016

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For the past six years, my PiercingMetal.com outlet has been attending The American International Toy Fair as a representative of the media and for those new to the presentations, let me explain that this massive, industry only convention is one that showcases the latest and greatest toy and gaming offerings from the worlds most amazing companies.  In the past I’ve mentioned in these little signposts that the coverage done was usually focused on the super-hero, monster and science fiction properties since that is what our Metal demographic seems to enjoy the most.  Last year, I tried something different and tested the waters by adding some posts from the 2015 Convention on this site because the items in the photos didn’t fall under my main websites overall niche.  With so many of our PiercingKen.com readers being family people it made a lot of sense and going forward I hope to continue to offer up a number of visuals from Toy Fair right here.  Stay tuned and thanks as always for your kind attention.

PiercingMetal’s coverage of the American International Toy Fair 2016 can be viewed HERE.

Official Website: http://www.toyfairny.com/