It was a little over a month ago that I discussed some dramatic changes that were happening with my website – If you missed that note then click HERE for the quick refresher to bring you up to date. Then we can continue along.

New readers to and those who are also enjoying my music reporting forays might not know that for the past seven years I have also been presenting a side blog to my ardent supporters that took deeper steps into the music stuff and braved a whole lot of things that were deemed as related to our subject of focus. This blog was called “PiercingMetal Musings” and it serves our readership well and speaks to them as a fellow fan of a whole lot of different subjects. This little commercial is here to tell you to click the logo above so you can see the latest earth shattering development in the media world of – alright maybe its not entirely Earth shattering but since I just finished reading a pile of comic books my creative energies are a bit dramatic. Anyway, read that and I shall see you next time.