Rundown Of “The Honeymooners” Marathon On PIX11 12/31/2023-1/1/2024

the honeymooners tv logo

Hello friends and welcome to one of our last posts for the 2023 with a favorite thing to share around this time of the year. Now if you’ve visited us in the past when the year is wrapping up you’ll realize that it’s once again time to share one of our favorite marathons with the readership audience. For the last couple of years I’ve sat down and cobbled together a complete rundown of the annual marathon of the classic comedy series “The Honeymooners” that is broadcast over on Channel 11. Since this particular post is always a popular one I’ve made it a sort of year-ending tradition. Historically speaking, the network has been airing this marathon of the series for as long as I can remember and I myself began running it for the first time when 2019 was ready to become 2020. When 2020 became the year that it did I felt that it might be a good idea to run this one again to try to keep people inside the safety of their homes. I’ve decided to keep on doing it since I’m a big fan of the show and find myself watching it whenever it happens to come on. If you’ve never managed to see this series and believe me I know some of you are out there, there is no better way to educate yourself in it than with this marathon. If you think that you have sufficient space on your DVR or cloud-based system then you should start progrmming the episodes now. This year, the marathon is showing “28” of the original “Classic 39” episodes and I think that I will program it this year myself since I will most likely be sleeping when a block of it is airing and then running around during part of the first day of the year. Start the 2024 year off right by spending it in Brooklyn with Ralph Kramden, Ed Norton, Alice Kramden and Trixie Norton and just relax for awhile while appreciating one of the timeless and still very, very funny comedies of our time. The marathon begins at 11PM and will run continuously into New Year’s Day with a pause for other programming from 4AM until 8AM. It will then pick up and run until 5PM on New Year’s Day. The rundown is presented down below in full and please know that I sourced the information from the PIX 11 website directly. If anything is different when the broadcast happens do NOT yell at me in the comments and please instead send any gripes to the network directly via their social media profiles.

the honeymooners 1959 press photo

Sunday, December 31st
11:00PM – Funny Money
11:30PM – A Woman’s Work Is Never Done

Monday, January 1st:
12:00AM – Pal O’ Mine
12:30AM – Hello, Mom
1:00AM – The Deciding Vote
1:30AM – Something Fishy
2:00AM – The Babysitter
2:30AM – Brother Ralph
3:00AM – Pardon My Glove
3:30AM – The Loudspeaker
8:00AM – The Sleepwalker
8:30AM – A Matter Of Record
9:00AM – Ralph Kramden, Inc.
9:30AM – A Dog’s Life
10:00AM – Here Comes The Bride
10:30AM – Head Of The House
11:00AM – The Worry Wart
11:30AM – Trapped
12:00PM – On Stage
12:30PM – Dial J For Janitor
1:00PM – Opportunity Knocks, But
1:30PM – A Man’s Pride
2:00PM – The Safety Award
2:30PM – Mind Your Own Business
3:00PM – Alice and the Blonde
3:30PM – The Bensonhurst Bomber
4:00PM – Better Living Through TV
4:30PM – The Man from Space

*** end of rundown ***

Piercing Ken Thoughts: To wrap this year’s post up I have to say that I was a little disappointed in the four hour break that pauses the marathon. Sure I realize the need to have sponsored programming or some news updates but with everyone’s mobile devices constantly feeding us the most important news they should have just kept on showing more episodes of the series. It would be great to enjoy the full run of the show in one fell swoop or even to have some of the lost episodes featured. I don’t think that I’ve ever seen those at all and I am not too sure you can still own them on a DVD or Blu-ray set. So I will repeat myself and say that if for some reason you’ve never seen this just program it so you can join the pack. Trust me you will be a fan in no time. This year I will be keeping my own celebrating on the simple side and not even going out. If you are considering some wild revelry, and in the Big Apple doing it please watch out for yourself and those who are with you. The city is a tad overwhelming these days and we want all of our friends in the readership to be safe and sound but that is it for my soapboxing. Oh yeah now before I go I want to remind you to check your own local listings for any possible changes from what I am seeing for New York City. It’s probably the same but who knows. What I’d love for some of you to do is chime in down in the comments and let us know what some of your favorite episodes are and why. That will make the post even more awesome. So let’s catch up again soon. Thanks for the attention here on the site, its a pleasure to entertain you for sure.

PS: The SyFy Network is once again running their marathon of “The Twilight Zone” episodes and that began at 8:00AM. I shared the rundown of those episodes on the PiercingMetal website so check out the listing by clicking HERE

Official Website:
Official Series Wiki:

channel logos, channel 11, channel 11 logo

8 thoughts on “Rundown Of “The Honeymooners” Marathon On PIX11 12/31/2023-1/1/2024”

  1. Thank you so much for the run down. I am 42 years old and been watching this show since a child. This was something me and my dad did all the time. He passed when I was 13 and til this day, this is something I love to do for “US”

    1. You’re quite welcome, and I hope that the times and episodes follow for most viewers. I love the show myself and will be watching a lot of them. Enjoy and remember to practice your Hucklebuck just in case 🙂

  2. I’m a long-time watcher of the show and the traditional holiday marathon. I recall watching The Honeymooners on Pix as far back as the 1970s.

    Great job as always by Pix 11 in presenting this great television classic. Had a wonderful time. Keep it going!

    1. I know I have been watching it for a long, long time myself but couldn’t determine how far back. I love this marathon and this year I recorded it to slowly make my way through during the week. I hope they do it for many more years to come.

    1. That’s awesome. I love how it still cracks me up over and over again no matter how many times I’ve seen the episodes. One of these networks needs to do a marathon of those “Lost Episodes”. That would be sweet. Happy New Year 🙂

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