Hey there readers of “The Chronicles”, I’m pausing the regularly scheduled postings to once again laud an accomplishment that was achieved by one of our most used social networks. I’m talking about none other than the Official Tumblr of PiercingMetal.com which has achieved some 4,000 posts as of yesterday. Pretty cool right? I think so. More about this after the graphic.
Piercing Ken Thoughts: Whew! So many posts right? I’d like to think so as I am a bit of a numbers guy and while the use of Tumblr is mostly as a feed to the content over on PIercingMetal.com and sometimes to the stuff that I am posting here on “The Chronicles”; the achievement of 4K posts show we have never given up on using it. Last summer I had pointed out that Tumblr was purchased by the folks over at Automattic and they also own WordPress so they might end up doing something bigger with it. You can learn more about that happening by clicking HERE. The bottom line is that I will continue to keep on sharing my posts over on Tumblr and our 11th year of usage is around the corner at this point. Despite the pandemic, I’ve tried to keep myself posting busy and while some of my fellow website scribes are sitting around idle, I am closing in on having made something like “500” posts between the two websites at the time that you are reading this update. I even recently launched a Blogspot to help me learn more of their backend workings for future technical assistance use. That Blogger account is also a “feed” of sorts between both of my websites but it doesn’t look at nice as Tumblr does. Check that our by clicking HERE and maybe even follow if you have a Google account. Maybe I will change this around too but right now I’ve other things to focus on. That’s all I have for this announcement or update or whatever. I hope this finds you all staying safe and following your local regions guidelines to be safe during this viral pandemic. See you again soon.
Update 10/1/2020: Since the time of this announcement, the PiercingMetal Tumblr has been rebranded as the Ken Pierce Media Tumblr and all links now reflect this change. This rebranding makes it all the more comprehensive and entertaining going forward.
Official Website: http://www.tumblr.com
Official Website: http://www.automattic.com
Official PiercingMetal Ken Pierce Media Tumblr: http://kenpiercemedia.tumblr.com