While not entirely related to my PiercingMetal role as much as the mechanics of operation of the thing, I thought you might find these recent events of interest in some fashion. Since the website launch back in early 2005, the fortified walls of PiercingMetal Headquarters have stood in beautiful Bay Ridge, Brooklyn. We’ve found it to be a great place to get the business of Metal accomplished but that doesn’t mean we don’t wonder every once in awhile what a different locale would be like for our work.

Recently the command center received information about a piece of property in Lower Manhattan which was apparently being made available by a consortium of interested parties in the PiercingMetal way. This was fantastic news, and I mean who doesn’t want their own building at one point in their life right? Just think of the possibility around something like that……office space, music media gathering space, maybe a rehearsal room for the equipment and live performance. Ah the possibilities are endless. So agreed to a meeting with the mysterious representative of yon mentioned consortium and I must admit that the dude creeped me out just a little bit. He stood over six feet tall and was dressed in long black robes or a coat that resembled one (maybe it was an oversized leather duster) . His hat kept his face from clear view, or maybe it was a hoodie. Yes, come to think of it, it had to be a hoodie because it said “Death” on the back of it. Nice to see that the Old School classic bands are still vital in today’s scene. So anyways, onto this new potential real estate.

The building stood some five stories tall and had lots of windows and apparently a sufficient amount of space but there was an issue visible right off the bat. As our new “friend” showed us the building we grew rather suspicious of the giant beams that looked to be holding the place up. It reminded me of the old joke where the young boy is leaning on the building and a cop comes up to him saying “what are you doing”, and he replied “holding the building up”. The cop shoos the boy away and the building collapses.
I had never seen anything like this before and was quite fascinated when it came down to it. The property was already vacant apparently, and I didn’t manage to get any closer since my time was so limited for this meeting in the first place. Here is another look for you to make your own judgment.

In the end I decided that it was a little too precarious for me at this stage of the game, and while offering up some really cool potential, there looked to be too much work involved to get it up to snuff. Yes the lattice of steel beams would make for great areas for the children to climb upon, and even hang some of the touring bands laundry should they come to visit, it was all of the windows that would put a damper on the deal. I mean just look at the front, there are fifteen huge windows on the place! PiercingKen cooks, cleans, and makes good coversation over a nice bottle of wine, but he does not do windows. OK, sometimes I do them but it is under extreme pressure 🙂
Before I could utter the “not interested” words I realized that my mysterious companion had vanished and I found that a little bit strange. I also realized that while wearing the “Death” hoodie, that he was not attached to head phones and let’s face it, how often do you find a Metal head who doesn’t look like this (especially one that’s keeping the faith of a legendary band).
Perhaps this grim figure and his mysterious consortium were something far different from what I had assumed – weird eh. So in any event, we shall be keeping our sanctum sanctorum of Metal right where it is for the time being and foreseeable future. Multi-millionaire investors are always welcome to assist with the enterprise and help us develop our own episode of “Cribs”.