Today is the day that my website was official launched. I’ve been at this for a little over fifteen years in full, but the PiercingMetal outlets birthday is today when we went public with its existence. Click the photo below for some musings on the process and the changes from over the years. The image will bring you to that post for you to peruse. If you are a Chronicles Of Piercing Ken reader who is also enjoying the site that started it all for me, I say “Thank You So Much”. Click on…..
As usual with this sort of traffic redirection; the means to add a comment has been disabled on this post and instead I encourage that comments be left on the post on the other site if you are compelled to do so. I’ve also listed all of the PiercingMetal Social Networks for you to peruse if you’d like to see what we are doing with them.
Official Facebook
Official Instagram
Official Twitter
Official YouTube Channel
Official Google+