The Book Expo America or “BEA” for 2014 started the other day over at the Javits Center and I was happy to once again be a member of the press in attendance. The event spans three days and locks out the first two to professionals and press with the final day being open house for the general public. My coverage from across the two days that I was in attendance can be found on the site and you can check out the presentation by clicking the logo directly below this paragraph. As has been my practice in the past, my main interests at this event are to focus on the film and comic book properties that my PiercingMetal readership enjoys along with any related music tomes. I hope you will join us over there by clicking through.
I’ve kept the chapters to about fifty images apiece as I have done in the past with the Comic Con and Toy Fair narratives to allow for the ease of enjoyment and maximum engagement of the folks being discussed. Since the coverage is on my other site, I have also disabled comments and pingbacks on this post but encourage they be left on those PiercingMetal narratives should you feel inclined to chime in. I’ll see you here again soon with more interesting and unique postings as they come to me.