While the plan is to feature some of the pleasant shots we have managed to obtain when wandering the area parks in this blog, there is one set of images that is already online and features all that you need to enjoy about this particular one. I will link to that in a moment but first some back story to help you understand. I was out walking with my friend Eric The Beehivehairdresser and we happened upon a couple of interesting sights that were captured on digital media. After the adventures had completed I realized how a number of the shots I had taken all worked within the framework of a musical genre that I find very important to me as a writer. Resultant of this I composed the “PiercingMetal Viking Quest” which you can enjoy by clicking HERE.
During one of my visits to a very favorite dining haunt of mine I had the pleasure of meeting the lovely Miss Elspeth Brown and after some quick music journalist publicity I learned that she was a dancer and the artistic director of her own company which is called the Eyes Of A Blue Dog. For me its always interesting to meet new creative people because I find this to be the kind of positive cross-networking that helps reinforce my own resolve for the writing and photography – but enough about me. We kept in touch and discussed each others enterprise and I swore I would one day see her perform. Trust me it is not always easy to find a free night with the battery of Metal forces that come through a market like NYC. Anyways, it was the dead of winter and I learned that Elspeth and company would be presenting a new piece at the APAP Showcase and it would be held at the Dance New Amsterdam space in lower Manhattan.
A few years ago there was a Scottish cultural exhibit being held over at Grand Central Station down on Lexington Avenue. The year was 2005 and I am guessing that this was around April based on the time stamp of my photographs. That was a busy time for me as I had just officially launched PiercingMetal.com but that can be found on another blog. I had to say that for the most part the exhibit didn’t do anything for me, but there was one item on display that was a clear “must see” and a reason to adventure over there without any question. That item was the William Wallace sword.
For those who might not be in the know, William Wallace was a Scottish knight and a patriot in the eyes of his countrymen and lived during the late 1200’s. His was a life of combat and freedom fighting according to his Wikipedia entry and you can learn more about him by clicking on his Wikipedia link which I will have ready for you at the close of this piece.
The NYC Waterfalls Project was another one of those massive art projects and unlike The Gates which was presented here a few years before, I had to say that this particular one intrigued me a little bit more. The premise was how four gigantic structure’s would be assembled and take water from the East River via pipes and end up simulating the effect seen by natural waterfalls by pouring it out over the top. The four locations were under the Brooklyn Bridge, another between Brooklyn’s piers #4 and #5, one on Governor’s Island and the last on Pier 35 in Manhattan. This project was the brainstorm of Olafur Eliasson (a Danish/Icelandic artist).
Hi there, I’m so glad that you stopped by 🙂 So you might be asking yourself, just what is this “Chronicles Of PiercingKen” that you are looking at. Well, let me try and explain it as best as I can.
To those who know me, I am going to ask you to sit tight for a moment so I can give a brief introduction to those who might not and have found this blog while randomly surfing around the Internet. My name is Ken Pierce and for the past six or so years I’ve been a music journalist who adventures out into the Metal night and offers up findings on my PiercingMetal.com website. It’s a blast and a half presenting what I experience to a wider audience than just my circle of friends and since its own launch in 2005 has greatly changed from what I originally thought it would be. I do hope you will click the link and examine it if Hard Rock and Metal music are up your alley. Now back to the program already in progress 🙂
Long before I was doing any journalist stuff, I always considered myself a little bit of an amateur photographer and I would constantly be snapping away at things that I saw in my travels. This meant that I had a lot of photos that fell outside of my music pursuit to show people and I needed a place to do so. It seems as though the days of flipping through a photo album were over thanks to the Internet and social networking sites like MySpace and the now dominating Facebook and many people were using these mediums to share with their friends. Honestly, this was not for me, and I decided to launch a new blog and post those treats for you in it. The name comes from what a couple of my publicity people call me, and I felt it worked even though I have nothing to do with piercings. It’s in name alone I am afraid.
What’s The Premise Of PiercingKen?: I really don’t have a particular “mission statement” yet, but after looking through my recent and older folders of photos I can tell you to expect museum stuff, travel and touristy stuff, New York City visuals, Art, Fashion and Food as they come up in my day and maybe even the occasional music piece that is worth talking about but would not fit on PiercingMetal. I just might even scan some old photos that I like and share them here as well. It’s a very open playing field that I am establishing with this blogsite. I’m going to let it be a little bit of a catch-all that brings you into my day a bit more and maybe even inspires your own creative energies. Sometimes I might be profound and at others rather absurd. Let’s see what happens. All we ask is that you enjoy the ride and engage with us when you can add to the topics via the comment section. Thanks for your support and interest.
Ken Pierce, Founder and Principle Creative.
PS: This was originally launched on Blogger but I just didn’t like the limitations of their publishing software. Once I secured the proper domain name, I imported and edited the batch of posts that had already gone up. Once those were given the okay, the Blogger page was deleted.