Folks who are following the main adventuring over on are very aware of all the coverage that we gave to the NY Comic Con and Anime Festival 2010 which was held over at the Jacob Javits Center. If you are scratching your head then please allow me to refresh your memory.
We were here…..

and we were doing a little bit of this….

and while there was a ton of things to broadcast on the main site about this…..

there were some things that bore a little closer examination and were better served up in postings of their own. One such display was that of sculptor Nathan Sawaya who works with Lego bricks as his medium and calls his line of statues “The Art Of The Brick”. I took a bunch of photos from the Comic Con showcase but did not manage to get them all. Check it out.

I don’t think that I was able to properly capture the sculpture called “Think” because in some of the photos I have seen there are little figures inside which I was initially unaware of and others running around the base of this massive head. Oh well. The next time I see this one I shall pay a little more attention.

This sculpture is made up entirely of yellow Lego bricks and its rather garish as we find the statue opening up his chest and his insides are spilling out. This would go over well with some Metal bands I’m sure.

Here we see a very cool cello made of Lego bricks. No my dear readers, it does not actually make music. The only melody you will hear is in your imagination.

I apologize for not knowing the name of the giant red face but since some of the others are simply named for the color of their bricks, I shall assume that this one is called “Red”. If I am proven wrong a quick edit shall be par for the course.

“Hands” is an interesting one and named because the sculpture’s hands are in pieces below his wrists. The loose pieces were not on display for this exhibit or I just didn’t look down far enough when snapping.

I’ve seen a couple of different configurations of this sculpture and one had him holding his head above his neck line (separated of course). I think I prefer it removing the face since it has more of a Science Fiction vibe to it.

Speaking of Science Fiction, how can you go wrong with a depiction of “Han Solo in Carbonite” as done in Lego bricks. This was by far one of the sickest/coolest things I had seen at the Comic Con.

I wasn’t sure of how I did in the first shot, so I took a second for good measure. Pretty cool right?

When I first saw this next one, I was misreading it mentally and thought the figure had been impaled. Sorry, I have a Metalhead brain and think of stuff like that when it comes to graphically depicted art.

“Ascension” was another favorite of mine in the display. I just liked how it looked up close.

This was one of the largest sculpture’s on display and I felt that “My Boy” was a very dramatic piece and one that actually was able to convey the sadness in the blue figure at the loss of the one in gray.
Obviously this was only the tip of the iceberg when it came to Sawaya’s full body of work but it was nice to be able to share some of it with you readers of the blog. Should you have interest in learning more about the scupltor, his creations, the books and what’s for sale just click his logo below.