Those were the words that television host Ed Sullivan said to his audience of 70 Million Viewers that night as he introduced The Beatles to the USA. According to what I have read that was thirty million homes and approximately 40% of the US Televisions. That is pretty impressive for its time. In honor of the occasion The Ed Sullivan Theater has put up a special anniversary marquee and I made sure to snag a photo for you all to enjoy.

Now a side angle

The shot below was taken by Ken Regan and captures the band during this exciting and historic appearance. It was part of a recent gallery exhibition that I attended and it featured numerous photographs of The Beatles that many of which had never been seen before. I’ll be getting a blog post online over on about that adventure so stay tuned.

You can keep up with any anniversary broadcasts and tributes via the bands official website and it will bring you into the mix for sure. You can also surf around YouTube and check what your area museums or entertainment paper might feature about this monumental visit.
Official Website:
A few weeks ago I broadcast how “The US Albums” by The Beatles had finally been released. Here are links to all of them and some special “must have” collection DVDs.
Great job Kenny. The TV special tonight was fantastic despite obvious use of Autotune.